All US government agencies target Muslims…Their greatest desire is to prevent you from ever accepting the truth.


secr4We have known these things for a long time now. They are just reaching mainstream and alternative media. What you should know is that….”Our future is at stake, and 99 per cent of us do not know it. With ever-evil snoopers around you seeking an excuse to do their worst to you makes it hard for the 99 percent ignorant to ever know the truth.

secr3Their greatest desire is to prevent you from ever accepting the truth. They claim the truth to be subversive and hate teachings. They seek any kind of charge to place against us to get revenge for our teaching the truth.

secr2They tap our telephones, eavesdrop and follow us around from place to place, and use tape recording machines; and the hypocrites and stool pigeons among us keep them up to date on what we say and do. They are bold enough to even ask your own relatives to help them to do you evil; and due to fear and ignorance on the part of my poor people, the enemies hire them to destroy themselves. Truth hurts the guilty.”–pg.47(tfoa)

All US government agencies target Muslims


American analyst Sara Flounders says that all US government agencies harass and surveil Muslims.

secr“In the US today, not only on a federal level, the national security agency FBI, CIA, every agency of the US government monitors Muslims, but the propaganda and the hysteria over years, because of US wars in the region, means on a local level here in New York City, around the country and on the state level, Muslims are constantly harassed, surveiled, followed,” says Flounders, co-director of Intl. Action Center.

Flounders made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday about a new report showing that US law enforcement agencies target American Muslims in abusive counterterrorism sting operations.

She said all actions taken by the US government against Muslims are against the law. “All of this is completely illegal, discriminatory, a violation of civil rights, religious freedom in the US, and every single part of this monitoring should be opposed and exposed as a crime.”

She went on to say that Muslims are held in prisons most of which have “torturous conditions”.

There have been “round-ups of finding Muslims guilty of all different kinds of terrorism and in the prisons held in special detention which really amounts to torturous conditions of isolation and solitary confinement,” she stated.

She also said that “it is an expansion of US wars that always for target, an enemy must be found must be created and then prosecuted and attacked.”

Human Rights Watch said in a report on Monday that the FBI targeted people who did not appear to have any involvement in terrorist plots.

It said the FBI went after particularly vulnerable people, including individuals with mental disabilities.

“Far from protecting Americans, including American Muslims, from the threat of terrorism, the policies documented in this report have diverted law enforcement from pursuing real threats,” the organization said in the report.

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