Blinded by imperial hubris, America pretends as if her growing homeless problem doesn’t exist


poor2 Never before did you think that America, the rich nation that everyone admired and wished to go to, would in one hour become the land of poverty, despair, and disgrace. The rich nation is no more. She is now a 4th world nation state in total derision.

poorIt is a clear sign for her state of affairs as a nation. Her culture is no longer appealing. Her system is no longer viable. She has become destitute, but is acting as though her country is not falling down in shame.

This means that she is under stress and strain. The duress is too much. She now suffers psychotic episodes wishing to return to the days of plenty.

poor3 …”Today the Black man in America is a prey into the strong, powerful hands of his enemies (the children of their slavemasters).

poor5For four hundred years the slavemasters have mistreated their slaves and now in the day of their redemption they are doing everything possible to deceive them from accepting their salvation that Allah now offers to the Black man of America.

So strong is Allah’s love for us that He now desires nothing but a total destruction of America.”–pg.225(tfoa)

Activist warns of growing homelessness in US

An American activist warns about the growing problem of homelessness in the United States, saying a larger degree of people are to lose their homes in the coming years due to wrong economic policies adopted in the country.

“The problem of homelessness in the United States is going to be a growing problem for various reasons,” said Abayomi Azikiwe, the editor of Pan-African News Wire in an interview with Press TV Sunday.

He described the massive foreclosure crisis which coincided with the so-called great recession which began in 2007-2008 as one of the reasons.

“Millions upon millions of residents of the US lost their homes as the result of predatory lending by the banks. Of course these lending schemes were backed up by some of the larger insurance companies and bond holders.”

This trend threatened the US economy and consequently the world capitalist economy in general with collapse, added Azikiwe who is also an organizer of the Workers World Party in Detroit.

According to Azikiwe, the US economic decision makers failed to stabilize the country’s economy despite approving bailout packages through extending of liquidity by the US Federal reserve bank.

“This of course is causing an increase in evictions and resulting in a greater degree of homelessness for people inside the United States.”

He made the remarks as more American cities are criminalizing sleeping in public places including parks and even in personal vehicles.

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