Because war nears, Russia goes and saddles the space right around the earth to watch America(‘Doomsday sputnik’: Russia said to launch new missile-attack warning satellite)


vbvThe signs of war are near. America, in her haste to prevent the rise of her nemesis, Russia, she is readying to push hard economically, politically, and militarily against Russia in an effort to stall-out Russia’s rearmament. She knows for whom she(Russia) is rearming for!

osha2These two are preparing for all out war. They are putting the pieces into position. They don’t realize that it is Allah who is confusing them and driving them toward confrontation with each other.

So being that Russia is gearing up for conflict just as her rival America is, Russia is losing no more time in her build up . She is leaving nothing to chance and wants to watch America’s every move.

osha …..”Russia and America are after each other under their skin. Russia is pretty smart. America is as smart. We like them both smart like that. Russia goes and saddles the space right around the earth to watch America! That is who she is watching. America wants to watch God because she knows that Daniel said she would be the One that God would get first. “–pg.54(o.s.h.a.)

This is the core of what Russia is doing sending more spy satellites into orbit!!!

 ‘Doomsday sputnik’: Russia said to launch new missile-attack warning satellite

After years of delay, Russia plans to deploy this year the first satellite of its new constellation replacing the space component of the early warning system, Russian media reported. It will also double as an emergency communication satellite.

The satellite was developed for the military, so naturally little is known about it. Identified by disambiguation ‘product 14F142’, it is expected to be launched in the fourth quarter of 2014, according to Kommersant newspaper.

The spacecraft will be the first in a constellation, aimed to replace the old Oko-1 early warning system, which allows Russia survey countries possessing nuclear-capable ballistic missiles and detect possible launches.

Oko-1 is currently in bad shape. To be fully operational, it needs four 73D6 satellites in placed in a highly elliptical orbit, dubbed ‘Molnya’ (lightning) orbit, to provide full-time coverage of the area of interest, and an additional backup satellite in a 71X6 geosynchronous orbit. Russia lost the last of the 71X6s in April this year and has not launched replacements for the 73D6s since 2008, with only two still operational.

The Russian military assured that the ground-based network of early warning radar stations, which the country considerably upgraded in the past years, is robust enough to compensate for the blind spot in the space component, but they may not be completely earnest……MORE HERE

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