US weighs options for new ‘kill vehicle’….As the Empire declines,they still want to rule or destroy the idea of someone else ruling as shown by their preparations made for the total destruction of the Human Family of the Earth


ee3From the very core of this nation spreading outward, we can see that the very thought of them are to kill and exploit. This is the mind of satan. Satan means …one who’s evil is not confined to themselves ,but effects others. This is America all day…errr(every) day! She seeks to rule and kill on an hourly basis.

Her national stated policy is called MAD….meaning mutually assured destruction. Her other national policy is Full Spectrum Dominance. This is to say if i can’t rule, i will kill everyone and everything to prevent anyone else from ruling or coming to power.

ee2That is written of her in these words….”The present world (white people) have had their time and have gone over their time to rule. Nevertheless they still want to rule or destroy the idea of someone else ruling as shown by their preparations made for the total destruction of the Human Family of the Earth. They boast that they can destroy the present total population of our earth 30 times over…again and again.

yaWe know that they will not be able to destroy it one time. But they are preparing to do so should they be given the chance.”–Chp.21(o.s.h.a.)

This is what she is trying to do in Africa….bombing nations like Libya under trumped up lies. This is what she is trying to do in South America, by causing chaos and madness. This is what she is trying to do in Central Asia by commenting terror.

eeWe look to the Middle East and can see the same policy in play. Then we glance at Asia proper and see her Asian Pivot strategy using the same guidelines. She is the global trouble-maker and stability breaker.

….”The white world, as it goes out, has not been asleep to its responsibility. They have been building up their arms and arsenal and factories for this day, in order to kill the Black Man.”–Chp.21(o.s.h.a.)–And the proof is right here (in the pudding);

US weighs options for new ‘kill vehicle’

The US Ground-based Midcourse Defense system has failed half of its tests on intercepting mock enemy warheads.

The Pentagon hopes to fund a much more reliable “kill vehicle,” or warhead, for the homeland missile system.

Defense Undersecretary Frank Kendall, the Pentagon’s top arms purchaser, said decisions had not been finalized on whether to upgrade the existing warheads, built by Raytheon Co., or design a new one, according to Reuters.

“It’s going at the end of the day to be a question of affordability,” Kendall told reporters Saturday on the eve of the Farnborough air show.

Raytheon, Lockheed Martin Corp and Boeing have all expressed interest in bidding for a new design of kill vehicle.

After the missile system successfully intercepted a dummy target over the Pacific last month, defense contractor Raytheon which is a subcontractor to Boeing Co. said it expected to go into production shortly.

On June 22, the system managed to hit a simulated enemy missile for the first time since 2008.

Kendall said the test marked “a very positive step that will [prompt] us to move forward.”

The US Missile Defense Agency has failed half of its tests on intercepting a mock enemy warhead, government records show.

The Obama administration has agreed to expand the system from the current number of 30 ground-based interceptors.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has called for deployment of 14 new interceptors at Ft. Greely by late 2017.

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