As Salaam Alaikum:

“In the name of Allah (Master Fard Muhammad) the beneficent the most merciful to whom All thanks and praises are do forever. Thee do we serve, Thee do we submit, and Thee do we beseech for thine aid, love, mercy, protection, and security. Please make Muhammad successful and the true and righteous followers of Muhammad successful. Please bless Muhammad and the true and righteous followers of Muhammad. For surely thou art praised and magnified in our midst forever and ever to infinity and beyond!!!!!” Amen!!!Screen Shot 2014-06-19 at 10.28.58 AM


6 Allah Himself threatens to reduce the seemingly over population of the earth by removing all of the people of the planet earth who are unwilling to submit in obedience of Allah (God), His Messenger, and the Message that he has sent.

7 A great vacancy would be left, for there is only a small percentage of the population of the earth who want to do righteousness.

8 Most of the population of the earth has its own god and religion. They will not let go of what they have for Allah (God) and His True Religion, Islam.

9 My Black Brothers and Sisters, I am sorry for you if you think that the white man’s religion of Christianity will take you to heaven. I am sorry to tell you that it will not.

10 The Holy Qur’an teaches us that if we bring any other religion, other than Islam, on that Day, it will not be accepted. Allah (God) forbids us to set up a god beside Him, making another His Equal. The Bible teaches you the same.

17 Few people recognize the fact that we are living in the Day of Judgment of the wicked. You would like to ignore it. Why? It is because they love this wicked world which the wicked have built. They do not want to depart from it.

18 Allah (God) has given me the truth for the people. But in every city and town, and on every street, little would-be leaders snatch a few words of what Allah (God) has given to me for you, and they try to build an independent organization for self. Not for you…but for themselves.

43 Would you like to say to the prophets who prophesied (and their prophecies are written) that they lied when they said that this world of evil had a limit of time of six thousand (6,000) years? The six (6) work-days in their work-week are to remind them of their eventual end. “Six (6) days (6,000 years) thou shalt do all of they work and on the seventh (7th) day thou shalt rest (die). And all of thy work shall be destroyed and thy name shalt be destroyed that this race be no more remembered among the Nations of the Righteous.”

44 Do you think all of this is false prophecy just because you love evil and hate good?

47 He makes all things new. Who Is He and what is He Going to Make New? He It Is that Comes after the time of the wicked god and his wicked rule.

49 What can Allah (God) do with this world of the white race since it has not come into his line of Guidance and government of people? There is no place for the evil practices of their evil kind in Allah’s (God’s) World or Kingdom of Righteousness.

50 To make all things new means to go to the very root of everything that exists.

51 He makes all things new. Allah (GOD) Who Came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praises are Due forever, taught me that every twenty-five thousand (25,000) years, each God Coming After the Other God made a new civilization. His Belief, Teaching, and Theology were Different From the Other God Who Preceded Him Who Made a beautiful change in the History of the wisdom of man.

54 In the angels’ decision over the making of the white race, they said to the Maker of the white race, “What will you make but something that will cause bloodshed…a mischief-maker in the land who will cause bloodshed.” But the Maker, Yakub, did not deny that he was making such a man; but he said he “knew what the angels did not know.” He did not know what the angels did not know. The angels knew that he was about to make a man who was going to destroy the peace of the Original Man and they told Yakub, the Father of the white race, what he had in mind to do in the making of a new man from us. So does Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praises are due forever, Know what He is About to Do in Making a new civilization.

Therefore should we be surprised when the God of Righteousness Comes in and Makes a New World and that He does not want any material of the old evil world? Are you surprised or is it due to your desire to remain with the old wicked world? The Next World is a World of Righteousness. You do not want to be righteous. You want to have Freedom, Justice and, Equality. But you still would like the wicked to continue to rule because of your desire to be wicked.11 You have disobeyed and added gods to the One God (Allah). The belief of the believer in Christianity is in three gods. This is against the teachings of Allah (God), The One God.

12 I am your God, warns Allah (God), I and I Alone. But you have set up some other I’s with Allah, The One God. Allah (God) warned all prophets of the past, “Tell the people, do not set up any other god with me as My Equal. I Am Your God.”

13 The true religion, Islam, is the Beginning of God Himself. That is the age of Islam. The age of Christianity is only 2,000 years. It’s impossible to reconcile Christianity as being the true religion of God with a few words of Christianity used as proof.

14 You are the losers…those of you who hold on the religion of Christianity. This is the threatened day against you. You want to put aside Allah (God) and His true Religion, Islam, His Messenger and his Message, and accept that which you hope to put in its place, Christianity. This will not be accepted by Allah (God).

15 The heavens are full of stars. Maulana Muhammad Ali’s translation of the Holy Qur’an, in his footnote in that Chapter, says this represents a prosperous people and behind this prosperous people is a threatened destruction. They are in high places and authority of the earth.

60 Should you worship the old wicked world and its wicked god or representative and allow it to exist forever and not allow a better world to come in? We cannot hinder Allah (God) in His Building of a new world because we lack the power to hinder Him. There is no god or nation with equal power to exert against Him to prevent His Idea from Becoming What He Wills them to be. Whatever He Desires He is Wise enough to Bring it to Pass. Many Times this Wisdom is

misunderstood and the people think that it is some example of the person. We say, Wisdom, Power, Force! There is no Power or Force of Power until we have the Wisdom to Produce it.

61 He makes all things new. He teaches us that He Could Use nothing of the old world and that after the removal of the old world He Is to Bring About the New World. Allah (God) Does Not Want the old god to think that He is weak in Wisdom and Knowledge and Power to Bring something altogether new without using their old wicked material.

108 The Arab thinks it is something grave to talk about a new Islam. Why certainly, Brother! What have you been going through for the past six thousand (6,000) years under the rule of the devil. Now to reject The Righteous One Who not only brings about a new mind and a new idea and a new life and a new change as the Holy Qur’an teaches you and me today is fatal. It is not that the base of Islam is wrong. I say this time and time again; that the belief in One God, that the Bible and the Holy Qur’an prophesy that you must have, is true. The Belief in one Messenger or shepherd as He is sometimes referred to in the Bible stands true. You will no more have many Gods to believe in, but where both Christian and orthodox Muslim are wrong in that believe, the Christians believe in the return of Jesus to take part in the Resurrection which is contrary to the truth. The orthodox Arab teachers believe that what Muhammad gave is sufficient forever. Certainly it is the truth forever but it does not mean that we should be looking for Muhammad’s Holy Qur’an to just take wings and become a man and come among us whom the Holy Qur’an would not prophesy that a new nation, a new generation would be born if that which was received, the Holy Qur’an was sufficient to convert the world. Today the world is more opposed to Islam than ever in a manner of speaking, for the Islamic world is having confusion over the very principles they have been teaching. They have gone so far off the path themselves that they cannot correct or establish a return start for the future of Islam. They must admit that the Holy Qur’an prophesies of the “Coming of Allah (God)” an “The Days of Allah (God)” and what He Can Do. The Holy Qur’an also prophesies that the Messenger and Allah (God) Would Be as One Person, together, and that the Messenger would teach and train his own ministers in that day.

109 The Muhammad of 1,400 years ago. The Muhammad in this prophecy is a man in the Resurrection, for Muhammad of 1,400 years ago knew nothing about us in this day and time. We were too far in the future. The prophecy did not prophesy that he would come back to teach us. He cannot teach us.

110 He could only give us a book to read, an Arabic Holy Qur’an. The Holy Qur’an teaches us that Allah (God) would raise up a Messenger from among the dead, (the so-called Negro), and he must be one given the ministryship to teach them the Way to Allah (God). He makes all things new. I say to the world of Islam, Bow To Him. The Holy Qur’an teaches us that, “You shall see all nations bowing down to him,” Who Makes All Things New, Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praises are due forever.


He makes all things new. I say to the world of Islam, Bow To Him. The Holy Qur’an teaches us that, “You shall see all nations bowing down to him,” Who Makes All Things New, Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praises are due forever.


111 Study over the Name “Fard”; it is sufficient to “warn you” that this is not the Name that Muhammad prophesies of. In fact Muhammad never saw the God. Muhammad only Heard His Voice. The Muhammad of the prophecy of the Holy Qur’an teaches and prophesies of a Muhammad who would get his Word from the Mouth of Allah (God) and not through visions of talking to Him and never seeing the Speaker. So I say to the Arab world of Islam, prepare yourself for all that you hear coming from the mouth of Messenger Elijah Muhammad here in America. “You can accept it or reject it. It Would be good if you accept it. Otherwise you can reject it and meet the fate of those who before you rejected a messenger because of their pride, for they wanted to be that which they were not to be. He makes all things new…”

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Jihadists who overran Mosul last month have demolished ancient shrines and mosques in and around the historic northern Iraqi city, residents and social media posts said Saturday.
At least four shrines to Sunni Arab or Sufi figures have been demolished, while six Shiite mosques, or husseiniyahs, have also been destroyed, across militant-held parts of northern Nineveh province, of which Mosul is the capital

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Pictures posted on the Internet by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) showed the Sunni and Sufi shrines were demolished by bulldozers, while the Shiite mosques and shrines were all destroyed by explosives.

The photographs were part of an online statement titled “Demolishing shrines and idols in the state of Nineveh.”

Local residents confirmed that the buildings had been destroyed and that militants had occupied two cathedrals as well.

“We feel very sad for the demolition of these shrines, which we inherited from our fathers and grandfathers,” said Ahmed, a 51-year-old resident of Mosul.

“They are landmarks in the city.”

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An employee at Mosul’s Chaldean cathedral said militants had occupied both it and the Syrian Orthodox cathedral in the city after finding them empty.

They removed the crosses at the front of the buildings and replaced them with the Islamic State’s black flag, the employee said.

ISIS-led militants overran Mosul last month and swiftly took control of much of the rest of “Nineveh”, as well as parts of four other provinces north and west of Baghdad, in an offensive that has displaced hundreds of thousands and alarmed the international community.

The city, home to two million residents before the offensive, was a Middle East trading hub for centuries, its name translating loosely as “the junction.”

Though more recently populated mostly by Sunni Arabs, Mosul and Nineveh were also home to many Shiite Arabs as well as ethnic and religious minorities such as Kurds, Turkmen, Yazidis and other sects.

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37 “What hopes have you in the future of the White race? I want you to tell me that. Write it to me; 4847 S. Woodlawn, Chicago, Illinois. Write it to me. What hopes do you see? Today right at this hour, they are destroying themselves. They are fighting trying to bring about Peace, and there is no peace for them. They are talking Peace, but the Old Prophet says; “While they talk Peace, the sword reaches to the sword.” It’s going on. Do you see any future for them? They don’t have any, here nor there. The time of that clock has run down, and the hand is stuck on six.

38 I am not trying to make mock, nor am I trying to be happy in that way because of their destruction. Their destruction means your destruction in the condition you are in. You are a disbeliever, and that means you will be destroyed. The thunder of war is now engulfing civilized Earth like a belt on a man’s body. Nowhere is there a sign of Peace but in the Nation of Islam.”


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