(Video Inc.)The universal snoopers have been exposed: US embassies act as spy centers across world


spyWe have known of her actions long before prism was revealed and long before some of her operatives in foreign lands were outed. Her history has long been known by us. We have it written. In fact we are the writers of her history.

….”The world of the white man is now crumbling and coming to naught. The safety of the Black man is in His God. As the Holy Qur’an teaches us, in this day and time, seek refuge in Allah, the God of the Black man. He is the only place of refuge.

spy2We have made America one of the richest and strongest people on earth. Her mighty navy is commanding the high seas with undersea craft crawling on the bottom of the ocean, carrying deadly weapons to surface and pour out on towns and cities of other than America and with listening devices set up throughout the earth on land, sea, and in the air, to listen to see what people are saying about her and planning against her, knowing she is guilty and deserving of death, and that she should be taken and destroyed.

She has prepared to put up a mighty battle, but Allah too has prepared and He is the Best Preparer; knowing their thoughts before they were ever made. They have not the slightest chance today against the power of Allah that is working against them, even through the forces of nature.”–pgs.82 & 83(tfoa)

   US embassies act as spy centers across world: Analyst

The US embassies across the world are operating as Washington’s espionage agencies with a CIA agent holding a key position at the diplomatic mission, a former US intelligence expert tells Press TV.

“Every single American embassy is an intelligence collection facility. The really second in charge of every embassy is the CIA station chief,” Scott Rickard, former US intelligence linguist, said in a Saturday interview with Press TV.

The remarks come after German prosecutors revealed last week that they had arrested an employee of Germany’s foreign intelligence service, the BND, over spying for the United States.

German government sources said the detained BND employee is suspected of having spied on a parliamentary inquiry in Berlin into US surveillance on German citizens and politicians.

“This is really nothing new. This is the kind of thing that Americans have been at really for over half a century. They have been monitoring all the communications of all the different consulates and embassies around the world,” Rickard stated.

German federal prosecutors opened a criminal investigation last month into US surveillance of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s mobile phone.

The German probes came in the wake of last year’s revelations by American whistleblower Edward Snowden about US and UK spy agencies’ surveillance programs.

Leaked documents released last October revealed that the US National Security Agency (NSA) had been tapping Merkel’s phone, which provoked outrage in Germany.

In addition, Snowden’s leaked documents showed that the UK, using hi-tech equipment housed on its embassy roof, has been spying on the German parliament and Merkel’s offices in the Chancellery.

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