(Video Incl.)The Nation Of Sin: US government ‘a criminal enterprise’


gov3They are reporting about how wicked, evil, corrupt, and criminal the American government is, but really though, we already knew this. If you are black, especially descendants of slaves here in America, all one has to do is apply for a job(and get rejected), walk down the street(and get harassed by the police), or seek justice in the courts.

gov2You will come face to face with just how low and immoral this nation, its government, and its people are. It goes to show us that America has become so confused that their government has now turned its system inwardly against white Americans too. You are all niggers now(lol)!

gov1You must open up your eyes to see this truth….”The Black Man in America has never known anyone but the white race: therefore, the Black Man seeks pacification and mercy from a merciless people. You cannot blame the white man for what he is, you cannot blame him for being merciless, for the white people were made the people that they are.”–pg.41(tfoa)

 US government ‘a criminal enterprise’: Former US Senate candidate

The US government is a “criminal enterprise” with a foreign policy that places the well-being of Israel ahead of America’s, a political commentator in San Antonio, Texas says.

“This is a criminal enterprise that has the support of both of the major political parties in the United States,” Mark Dankof, a broadcaster and former US Senate candidate told Press TV on Wednesday.

This criminal enterprise “principally involves conducting a foreign policy first for Israel, secondarily for international central banks and thirdly for the oil and natural gas consortiums,” Dankof said.

There is no difference between the policies of the Obama and Bush administrations, he noted. Both “are supporting the criminal policies of [Israeli Prime Minister] Benjamin Netanyahu,” he added.

Dankof dismissed as a deception the recent remarks by US Secretary of State John Kerry that the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq was a serious mistake. “This is an attempt to absolve John Kerry and Barack Obama for the responsibility of all the criminal policies that they have carried out.”

In an interview with Chinese news agency Geo News on Tuesday, Kerry acknowledged that many problems in the Middle East today have their roots in that war.

George W. Bush, ordered the invasion on Iraq under the pretext that former Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, possessed weapons of mass destruction. In October 2004, however, a CIA report revealed that Saddam Hussein did not possess any weapons of mass destruction at the time of the invasion.

In a survey released Wednesday by the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, 33 percent of registered voters named Obama as the worst president since 1945, while 28 percent mentioned his predecessor, George W. Bush, as the worst.

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