There is more Middle Eastern bloodshed on its way — Hamas says Israel will pay price after teen found dead


pal3All over the Middle East we see dissatisfaction, war, division, and bloodshed. Blood is everywhere. It will only worsen as prophecy is made reality. These things must come into being that the purpose and aims of God in person come into fruition.

palIn the past history of the world of the white man, there never was a time of destruction of his world like the present time. We know that the time has pointed towards regional conflagration. It is almost here in our faces. The Middle East is now a powder keg waiting to explode from the slightest touch of an ember of arrogance!

pal2 …..” America and England deposited their little brother, Israel, on foreign soil, Palestine, which is Arab land. They deprived the Arabs of their own land and sent them into exile. This injustice against the Arabs is now costing America the power and authority that she once exercised in the East. She is on her way out of the Near East. This means bloodshed and plenty of it.”–pg.171(tfoa)

Isn’t this what we see now in play in the Greater Middle East? Yes in deed!!!!!

Hamas says Israel will pay price after teen found dead

The Palestinian Islamic resistance movement, Hamas, has warned that Israel will pay the price for “the abduction and murder of a Palestinian teenager” in East al-Quds (Jerusalem).

Hamas said Israel is fully accountable for the murder of the 18-year-old teenager, Yusuf Abu Zagher, early on Wednesday.

The group said the Palestinian people will not allow this crime and all the killings by Israeli settlers go unpunished.

A spokesman for President of the Palestinian National Unity Government Mahmoud Abbas has also blamed Israel for the murder of the teenage boy, calling on Tel Aviv to “find the killers.”

Zagher was found dead after being forced into a vehicle outside a supermarket in a region in the occupied East al-Quds (Jerusalem).

Israeli media sources close to the army said the body of the Palestinian teenager was found in a forest in Beit Hanina within hours. They said the Palestinian boy was apparently killed in a “revenge attack.”

Mahmoud Abbas has demanded that Israel take concrete steps to stop further attacks on Palestinians.

The incident happened a day after Israel buried three settlers, whose bodies had been found in a field near the village of Hilhul, north of the city of al-Khalil (Hebron) in the West Bank. Tel Aviv claims the Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas, is responsible for the death of the three. Hamas rejects the allegation.

Israeli forces killed several Palestinians and arrested hundreds of others, including Hamas members and lawmakers, as part of the military operations that were purportedly carried out in search of the three settlers, who Israel claimed had gone missing on June 12.

Hamas had already denied involvement in the disappearance of the settlers and said Israel is trying to sabotage the recent reconciliation accord reached between the Palestinian factions of Hamas and Fatah, which led to the formation of the Palestinian national unity government.

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