As Salaam Alaikum:

“In the name of Allah (Master Fard Muhammad) the beneficent the most merciful to whom All thanks and praises are do forever. Thee do we serve, Thee do we submit, and Thee do we beseech for thine aid, love, mercy, protection, and security. Please make Muhammad successful and the true and righteous followers of Muhammad successful. Please bless Muhammad and the true and righteous followers of Muhammad. For surely thou art praised and magnified in our midst forever and ever to infinity and beyond!!!!!” Amen!!!

By Messenger Elijah Muhammad:

“The significance of His coming to us, on the Independence Day of the
white man, is very great. It is their day of great rejoicing. As with
former peoples and their governments, their destruction took place when
they were at the height of their rejoicing”

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Independence Day!

“Let us rejoice on this day, the 4th of July, in the coming of Allah
(God) Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad to Whom praises are
due forever and give thanks to Him.”

By Messenger Elijah Muhammad

Reprinted from “The Fall of America”, Chapter 16.

Whose Independence?

Since 1776 you, Black man, have been worshipping the 4th of July along
with the real author of the 4th of July…(the white man) as a day of
Independence for themselves.

It is the white slave-master and his children who enjoy setting forth the
4th of July as a day of rejoicing over achieving this country’s
independence from any other foreign source.

Now, the history of the 4th of July shows that it is the Independence Day
of the American white man. They wrote the Declaration of Independence for
themselves. The white man did not put anything in the Declaration of
Independence for the benefit of the Black Man, who was the
servitude-slave of the white man at that time.

The joy wich the Black slave experienced on these holidays of the white
man was due to the Black man getting rest from his labor and the days
which the white man had set aside for celebration. That is all the Black
slave was rejoicing over…that he did not have to work that day.

But, you are free now; and you do not need this for an excuse for your
worship of the 4th of July. There is no further need for us to worship
the gaining of the white man’s independence.

Let us take a look again at our own Black independence and how it came on
this same day of the 4th of July…at the Coming of Allah (God) Who came
in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever,
on July 4, 1930.

The significance of His coming to us, on the Independence Day of the
white man, is very great. It is their day of great rejoicing. As with
former peoples and their governments, their destruction took place when
they were at the height of their rejoicing.

Nebuchadenezzar, according to the Bible history of him, (Dan. Ch.4) was
walking around in his palace and proudly looking around and admiring the
skill of the work he had set up and said, “has not all this my hand
wrought?” The Bible teaches us that while the words were in his mouth,
the end came. Allah (God) changed his mind and heart from that of a
civilized man to the mind and heart of a beast. He had the brain
reactions of a wild beast and he was cast out among the dumb brutes.

What does that signify? It gives us a gleaning into the history of the
white man and his being cast out of the society of the Muslims six
thousand years ago…after he was made and then started trouble among the
people of righteousness.

Trouble-making caused the white man his exile into the hills and
cave-sides of West Asia, as Europe was called at that time, so Allah
(God) taught me. Its name was changed to Europe after the white man was
cast into that area. Europe means a place where people are bound in, to
keep them out of society of the righteous.

Moses made (white man) as independent race, thru the guidance which Allah
(God) gave Moses, to guide the white man out of his savage cave life, and
put him on the road of conquest of the Black man.

For four hundred years the white man swallowed us, (the Black man of
America) up. He did not put us in a hole of the earth but he swallowed us
up by keep anything like wisdom from coming to us. He set a bound against
our own Black people visiting us in order to prevent them from teaching
us anything other than what the white man was teaching our Black

This caged us in, and made just as secure a cage as the literal cage of
Europe that the Arab people put the white man in six thousand years ago.

The 4th of July is the Day of rejoicing of the white man over his
opponents, for the Western Hemisphere. He wrote his Constitution for his
own white people…not his Black slave.

Since this is his day which he set aside for himself, then what part,
Black brother, do you have in this day? Your part is not mixed with his
part in the way of his own white politics and physical independence.

But, as I called your attention to proud King Nebuchadnezzar’s history
and what happened to him at the height of his kingdom, Allah (God) never
destroyed a powerful people nor deprived them of self-independence when
they were in trouble or when they were sick with grief. He made them to
feel happy. He made them think that they would live forever.

So it was with the coming of Allah (God) in the Person of Master Fard
Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, on His coming to us, on the
4th of July, 1930. His presence meant the destruction of the independence
of the white race and especially America…over the Black man.

Allah (God) visited the Black slave, for he is more in need of help to
enjoy freedom of self.

Since Allah (God) came for the purpose of bringing self-independence to
the Black slave, then His going forth is with justice (Bible Rev: 19-11th)

To show Allah’s (God’s) greatness and power over the slave-master and his
people, now Allah (God) attacks them at the height of their civilization
and at the greatness of their accomplishment; and the Black slave is
sitting at his feet.

As it was with Nebuchadnezzar and as it was with Pharaoh, the same is
being repeated today.

This is the significance of Allah’s (God’s) coming on the 4th of July.
For four hundred years we have been suffering under the pangs of
servitude–slavery and at the relentlessly merciless hands of the white
slavemaster over us.

Allah (God) came to give justice and freedom to us and to make us equal
members in the society of the new powerful, strong, and wise people of
the earth.

Ever since that day, the 4th of July, 1930, has meant the doom of
American domination over the Black man of America and the Black People of
the earth. Ever since that day, America has been falling.

America’s fall is not imminent…it is now going on. America refused to
break her fall when she could have broken her fall, as the Bible teaches
us. Babylon could have been healed, but she was not (Je.51:9.). She did
not do anything to warrant such forgiveness.

America has been offered the chance for forgiveness, but she refused to
accept it, for she never offered to do anything favorable toward her
Black slave, that would make them free of her power to rule them.

Black slaves went to their death, fighting the enemy of the white
slavemaster, to help America to maintain her independence against foreign
dominance. The Black slave was not given anything in exchange for his

When a dog hunts for a hunter, the hunter (master) will sometimes share a
part of the game with the dog. the Black slave has helped his master to
overcome and to put other people under the control of his white
slave-master. The Black slave has fought, bled and died around the earth,
to help the white slave-master to conquer those whom the master called
his enemies.

We helped the white man to conquer Cuba and to overcome and subdue Mexico
and the Phillipine Islands and other places around the earth, and also
Japan. How many lives did the Black man lose in the Pacific while helping
the white man to conquer the people of Japan who are the brown,
half-brother of the Black man? The brown race and the yellow race are the
half-brother of the Black man.

Whose Independence? Now the white man and the Black man are both free on
this day. The coming of Allah (God) on this day means the freedom of the
Black man too.

The clear significance of Allah’s (God’s) coming on this day shows the
great wisdom of Allah (God).

Everywhere the white man may be, even in Europe, the earth belongs to the
Black man.

Let us rejoice on this day, the 4th of July, in the coming of Allah (God)
Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad to Whom praises are due
forever and give thanks to Him.

Let us enjoy the independence he brought to us and the freedom, justice
and equality.

He brought these things to us not by killing off the red Indian nor any
original settlers. Justice and righteousness are the ammunition used by
Allah (God).

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“Messenger Elijah Muhammad says, “I shall continue to warn you of the divine penalty that awaits you who reject your God and my Savior, Master Fard Muhammad. In this world of crisis and destruction of nations, the only escape you have is in Allah (Master Fard Muhammad) and following me (Elijah Muhammad).”

Click Here To Listen To PT.1 Of Messenger Elijah Muhammad Teach The Explanation of Master Fard Muhammad!!!


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