(Video Incl.)It’s getting bad…Economists predict eurozone crisis might get even worse


eur….”We cannot deny the fact that the Christian West is responsible for this universal corruption in the land and sea.

From the same corruption that their own hands have wrought will come their doom.”–pg.168(tfoa)

    Economists predict eurozone crisis might get even worse

The European Trade Union Confederation, which represents millions of workers, has just erected a giant billboard outside the European Council in Brussels. Its message to politicians is blunt; 26 million unemployed, austerity isn’t working, new EU leaders must invest in growth and jobs.

At a conference a short distance away experts were debating the bloc’s economic crisis. Until he left the position earlier this year, Philippe Legrain was economic advisor to the current President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso. Legrain’s time in the post has turned him into an ardent critic of how the EU works.

He claims the economic crisis has been badly mismanaged. The eurozone in particular is seeing a sharp rise in poverty. Charities are under increasing pressure to open more homeless shelters.

Businesses are closing down because people cannot afford to spend. Huge unemployment in stifling the eurozone economy. The recent European Parliament elections proved to be a damning indictment on the euro project.

The mainstream parties got a hammering because most voters feel that politicians have let them down and have failed to provide any solutions to the bloc’s prolonged economic crisis. There is still a lot of scepticism that the new European Parliament will do any better during its five year term.

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