The Western world is under assault & being forced out as outside forces push in!


article-2665901-1F0B876000000578-813_634x580Notice that they are specifically talking about the change in the earth’s magnetic sphere over the Western Hemisphere. I wonder why? They know that all of nature has been called into effect to lay the people of the so-called Western world low.

This is the time and nature is baring me witness. It has the scientists of the white or Western world scared as hell ,because they know that this is a sign of the removal of the old world and the ushering in of the New world of freedom, justice, equality, and entire submission to the Lord of the worlds, The Great Mahdi, Allah in person!

Due to the presence of Allah in Person, (Master Fard Muhammad to Whom Praises are Due forever) and His Aims and Purposes to take over His own, it brings us hourly to a showdown of who shall rule the Nations of Earth.

article-2665901-1F0B875C00000578-896_634x449 …..”There is nothing that the white race can think of in this day and time that is not already known by the God of the Black Nation. Therefore, the showdown will be victorious on the side of the God Who Knows what we think and plan. He has power over us and over the atoms of the atmosphere. The attacker would have no power whatsoever to defend himself in a showdown against such a Wise and Powerful God. The Great Mahdi.

The Great Mahdi has and exercises power over everything of the creation carries or brings forth power. One would be silly and greatly the loser to attack such a God. But nevertheless the world must see a showdown between the two Gods. His Eyes and Ears are ever Open in both camps…the wicked and the righteous. So these two worlds draw nearer and nearer together for a showdown.

The American Black Man is to be warned and he is warned of this showdown which is coming between the two worlds. He should fly to God (Allah) of his people Who Has Power to save them.”–Chp.21(o.s.h.a.)

article-2665901-1F0B874000000578-953_634x449Everywhere that we look, and everything that we can think about, marks the end of this world.We are living in a Great Day of God and Man. Everything is being changed from the old to a new thing.

…..”Since the Holy Qur’an teaches that the judgment would be such that the earth itself would act as though a revelation had been revealed to it because of its perfect obedience to the Law of Allah on that Day.

article-2545465-1AFF3C8D00000578-265_291x269Allah will use the power that is in the earth and in the sea against the world of evil. The white race think that they have control of the power of the earth, sea and air.

It was prophesied that for a time they would subdue and have the use of the power of the sea and ocean until He Comes Whose right it is to rule.

The heavens and the earth belong to Allah (God). Now it is His time to rule.”–pg.212(tfoa)

Is Earth’s magnetic field getting weaker? Dramatic dips spotted across the Western Hemisphere could damage satellites

Esa’s Swarm satellite constellation reveals data on Earth’s magnetic field 

The results, presented in Denmark, show the field is weakening in places

The Western Hemisphere, in particular, is dramatically getting weaker
But other places, including the east coast of Africa, are becoming stronger
This is seen by some as a sign the magnetic field will soon reverse
And areas of different intensity can also be harmful to other satellites
The three satellites also accurately tracked the magnetic North pole
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Earth’s magnetic field is a protective shield for our planet from cosmic radiation, but it’s also somewhat of a mystery – scientists aren’t sure why it moves and changes in intensity.
And now the first set of high-resolution results from Esa’s three-satellite Swarm constellation reveal that the field is actually getting weaker, albeit by a small amount.
Measurements made over the past six months confirm the general trend of the field’s weakening, with the most dramatic declines over the Western Hemisphere.

Esa’s Swarm constellation of satellites have measured changes in Earth’s magnetic field from January to June 2014. These changes are based on the magnetic signals that stem from Earth’s core. Shades of red represent areas of strengthening, while blues show areas of weakening, measured in nanoteslas
Launched in November 2013, Swarm is providing unprecedented insights into the complex workings of Earth’s magnetic field, which safeguards us from the bombarding cosmic radiation and charged particles.
The magnetic North pole has been moving for at least 100 years since measurements began.
It is near the Geographic North Pole but, unlike the latter, does not stay in the same place.
Having recently departed the Canadian Arctic it is now moving towards Siberia.
It can move as much as 37 miles (60 kilometres) a year, but in recent times it has begun to slow down, suggesting it may double back on itself.
The reason for its movement, however, is unknown.
In some areas, such as the southern Indian Ocean, the magnetic field has strengthened since January – although the overall trend is a weakening.
The latest measurements also confirm the movement of magnetic North towards Siberia.

These changes are based on the magnetic signals stemming from Earth’s core.
Over the coming months, scientists will analyse the data to unravel the magnetic contributions from other sources, namely the mantle, crust, oceans, ionosphere and magnetosphere.
This will provide new insight into many natural processes, from those occurring deep inside our planet, to space weather triggered by solar activity.
In turn, this information will yield a better understanding of why the magnetic field is weakening.
‘These initial results demonstrate the excellent performance of Swarm,’ said Rune Floberghagen, Esa’s Swarm Mission Manager.
‘With unprecedented resolution, the data also exhibit Swarm’s capability to map fine-scale features of the magnetic field.’
The results were presented at the Third Swarm Science Meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The data collected by the Swarm satellites will help scientists better grasp how our magnetic field works, how it is affected by solar activity, and why large tracts of it are weakening.
Esa says the field can be thought of as a huge bubble, protecting us from cosmic radiation and charged particles that bombard Earth in ‘solar winds’.
Without it, those particles would hammer away at the atmosphere, leaving Earth much like Mars…..MORE HERE
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