(Video Incl.)The lil’ bomber planes (from the Mother Plane) are on scouting runs


bnYou better wake up quick. The time is at hand. The devils are reporting more and more sitings of the Mother Plane and those little bomber planes that are about ready to go into action and level America to the ground.

This is the premise of Ezekiel’s vision of the Wheel….”It is useless to try to ignore Ezekiel’s vision of the wheel, for the make and the destructive work of the wheel was foretold before it came to pass.

bn2The disbeliever believes that which he sees present and not that which is prophesied to come. That is why he is the loser and takes the course to hell, because he disbelieves in that which is prophesied to come about a particular day.

This is what the enemy is trying to do today with the Black Man. He is fascinating him with sport and play and indecency and the doing of evil to keep him from going to the God Who is present.”–Chp.58(tfoa)

The Mother Plane and her work is a display of the power of the mightiest God, Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever.

Mystery lights spotted by residents across hundreds of miles of southern California leave officials baffled

Several witnesses said they saw the lights appear for several minutes before disappearing
Local military and aviation officials said the lights were unrelated to them
Law enforcement baffled


Southern California residents are baffled by a grouping of mysterious lights seen hovering in the sky late Thursday evening.
The lights, which have yet to be explained, were seen in the sky above southern Orange County, Riverside County, and San Diego County.
Rancho Santa Margarita resident Ranaye Kahn reported seeing the lights at about 10:30 p.m.
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Southern California residents are still trying to determine what caused these mysterious glowing lights in the sky

Witnesses said the lights glowed brighter and darkened over and over for several minutes
‘I’m looking at it and thinking that’s really strange because it was yellow, not normal plane lights,’ Kahn told ABC7. ‘We had two lights, then they both went out, then a third light came on. (I) was listening for helicopter sounds, plane sounds — no sounds at all, just lights.’

Several people sent in tips about the lights to local news stations seeking an explanation.
‘Crazy!! Two bright lights over Orange County. Weird the kept dimming and reappearing,’ Rose Cruz wrote on the local ABC affiliates Facebook page.
Another witness, Allison Williams, said she saw the lights for several minutes.
‘Saw these two bright orange lights from the 405 S at Sand Canyon all the way to the 5 exited Alicia watched them for a little while and left, went back and they were gone within minutes,’ she wrote.

Local military officials said the lights had nothing to do with their bases
Local law enforcement said the lights did not come with any reports of problems.
And representatives for Camp Pendleton and Marines Corps Air Station Miramar said the lights were not related to their bases.
‘We had no unusual aircraft activity in Southern California last night,’ said the Federal Aviation Administration.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2663688/Mysterious-glowing-lights-appear-Southern-California-sky.html#ixzz35JFxiZnU

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