US shifting resources to Asia to ‘surround’ China: Political analyst


usa1Remember that China has known this would happen for a long time now. They are also aware of the time. They are embracing their destiny which is to confront America in the East and give her all the hell she can stand.

usa2She will not be successful in her attempts to beat prophecy and stay in Asia. She must heed the time and succumb to the finger of time as destiny points towards her being pushed completely out of Asia.

usa3Remember this….” Europe will become a dreaded spot when America leaves Asia. It is true, as the prophets have predicted, that America must come out of Asia, or be thrown out.”–pg.231(tfoa)

US shifting resources to Asia to ‘surround’ China: Political analyst

The administration of US President Barack Obama is shifting a great amount of America’s military and economic resources to the Asia-Pacific region to “control” and “surround” China, an American political activist says.

“Under President Obama, there’s been a major military and economic shift toward Asia,” said Kevin Zeese, executive director of Voters for Peace, one of the leading peace movements in the US.

“It looks like Asia is the new Middle East where the United States wants to really express its domination,” Zeese told Press TV in a phone interview on Saturday.

One of the Obama administration’s central foreign policy initiatives is the “pivot” to Asia, meant to be a strategic re-balancing of US interests from Europe and the Middle East toward the Asia-Pacific region, which includes much of East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania.

“This is all about controlling China,” Zeese noted. “The Chinese government has broken from the US empire even though it does trade with the United States; it is now becoming the largest economy in the world and that is something the United states sees as a threat.”

“This is all part of an effort to weaken China, surround China,” he added.

As part of Obama’s strategy to surround China, the US military is expected to significantly increase the number of troops, ships and watercraft rotating through Australia.

Although details about the increased rotations remain largely unspecified, military analysts from both countries expect an increased presence in Australia for the US Air Force, Navy and Marines in the form of bombers, nuclear submarines, missiles and troops.

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