Through all the NATO bravado, quiet as kept, Russia Continues Military Exercise near EU Border, ‘Eliminates’ Militant Group



Russia Continues Military Exercise near EU Border, ‘Eliminates’ Militant Group


(RIA Novosti) – Paratroopers and coastal troops taking part in a large scale exercise in Russia’s Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad successfully “eliminated” a group of militants, according to the Russian Baltic Fleet’s press office.

“In the exercise’s scenario, intelligence was received about an illegal military group’s presence in one of the districts of Kaliningrad Region. A motorized infantry regiment was alerted,” said the statement. The motorized infantry regiment had to move 60 kilometers with artillery support to force the surrender of and eliminate the “potential enemy” forces.
During the first stage of the drills, Sukhoi Su-34 and Su-34 bombers engaged land targets, while the Friday exercise involved about 1,000 military personnel and more than 100 pieces of military hardware, including aviation.

The joint exercise of Russia’s Baltic Fleet, Air Force and paratroopers is taking place at the same time as the NATO’s Saber Strike 2014 and Baltops 2014 exercises. The Russian Defense Ministry earlier said the number of troops deployed by Russia for the Kaliningrad military exercises is comparable to the ongoing NATO drills in terms of personnel and military hardware.
Following the reunification of Crimea with Russia, NATO has been flexing its military muscle near the Russian border. Moscow has repeatedly expressed concern over the West’s aggressive pressure on Russia.
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