Take me, take me to North America; take me take me to North America, the land on the shore of Tennessee. “MAYBE ON MISSING FLIGHT… 3’SEVENTY!!!” I PROMISE MY ALLAH I WILL NOT RETURN UNTILL I PUSH THE DEVILS IN THE HELL.” :) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! “OH DEVIL… IM SO GLAD FOR YOU!!!


As Salaam Alaikum:

“In the name of Allah (Master Fard Muhammad) the beneficent the most merciful to whom All thanks and praises are do forever. Thee do we serve, Thee do we submit, and Thee do we beseech for thine aid, love, mercy, protection, and security. Please make Muhammad successful and the true and righteous followers of Muhammad successful. Please bless Muhammad and the true and righteous followers of Muhammad. For surely thou art praised and magnified in our midst forever and ever to infinity and beyond!!!!!” Amen!!!

Take me, take me to North America; take me take me to North America, the land on the shore of Tennessee. “MAYBE ON MISSING FLIGHT… 3’SEVENTY!!!” I PROMISE MY ALLAH I WILL NOT RETURN UNTILL I PUSH THE DEVILS IN THE HELL.” 🙂 HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! “OH DEVIL… IM SO GLAD FOR YOU!!!

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By Messenger Elijah Muhammad:

You have been listening to the truth of the judgement. I warn you to get ready now, not to wait like the people of Lot, and the people of Noah. Don’t wait until the last minute, because nobody loved us but God. (Master Fard Muhammad) They don’t want us; we’re too ignorant and disgraceful of self. Nobody wanted us, He said to me, but Himself. If it had been left to them, the other scientist would not have given this devil a chance at all, they would have killed him as soon as his time was up, because they had been waiting for the time. He said they were ready.

“Messenger Elijah Muhammad says, “I shall continue to warn you of the divine penalty that awaits you who reject your God and my Savior, Master Fard Muhammad. In this world of crisis and destruction of nations, the only escape you have is in Allah (Master Fard Muhammad) and following me (Elijah Muhammad).”

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