(Video Incl.)America is a cesspool of hatred towards her ex-slaves


America is a cesspool of hatred towards her ex-slaves



America is a cesspool of hatred towards her ex-slaves. Even though the ex-slaves have built up this country on the backs of their workmanship, free labor, lives, sacrifices, and untold burdens, white America hates them with a cruel brutal hatred. This is her nature. This is how she was founded.

Her hatred for others, her brutality, her propensity for war and killing has brought about a clash of civilizations. This must take place regardless to whom or what. We know that prophecy, time, and history tells us that this type of action and policy will ultimately bring about war, and today we are standing on threshold of a race war.

Justice must come to the so-called negroes. We have been denied justice and deprived of freedom, justice, and equality since our kidnapping and being forced to these shores. Now dissatisfaction demands justice for those who were and have been deprived continually of that God given right!

….”The rich, the wealthy and powerful rulers of America, from the mayors of cities, the police commissioners up to the President work to oppose the Black once-slave’s return to his own. All of this hastens their doom, as the Bible, Ps. 2:4, teaches us, “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.”

Allah (God) laughs at their struggle to bring to a naught His aims and purpose of freedom, justice and equality to His Black people. Allah (God) has them (heads of America) in derision and confusion to the limit of their wits. In another place, the Bible teaches us, that He (Allah) will turn them backward. (Is. 44:25)

Evil and filth are the god and worship of America.”–Chp.30(tfoa)

Georgia police chief resigns with clean record after he’s busted texting N-word to officers

A Georgia police chief resigned last week after being suspended for sending racist text messages to his officers.

On Friday, Grantville Mayor Jim Sells announced that Police Chief Doug Jordan had been suspended for seven days, but did not explain why.

The city council was expected to take up the case during a closed meeting on Monday. But Jordan offered his resignation before the council meeting, allowing him to avoid an investigation.

Source: www.rawstory.com
The Times-Herald reported on Monday that the resignation had been connected to texts Jordan sent to officers, which included the N-word.

“When we approached the chief in regards to these allegations, he did not deny them and accepted some culpability,” Sells explained. “Following this revelation, he was immediately placed on suspension.”

Jordan’s resignation letter thanked city employees, who he said were “like family to me.”

The city council was not expected to review the case at Monday’s meeting because Jordan was no longer a city employee.

Councilman Johnny Cooks said that council rules were unfair because city employees could break the law, and avoid an investigation by resigning.

“We’ve had more than our fair share of unethical behavior in this town. But they allow people to keep resigning, which means that investigations never happen,” Cooks said. “So, if someone breaks the law, and then decides to just ‘move on’, that’s okay? We keep allowing these men to resign and it then it doesn’t go on their record so as a result, it’s a perpetual cycle.”

But Cooks said that the most shocking part of the case was that only one officer came forward to report that Jordan had used racist language in his text messages.

“To me, it verifies that there are underlying issues in our police department,” Cooks insisted. “If someone decides that they’re going to complicitly work for someone like that, it speaks volumes.”

Jordan was suspended for a week last year after he violated the rules by failing to notify the city that he had traveled to Arizona to meet with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

“I was very interested in how he described his ability to make people mad at him by simply enforcing the state and federal laws he is sworn to uphold,” Jordan said at the time. “I told him, ‘It’s this simple, we the people of the United States, either citizens or politicians, do not have the pleasure to pick and choose which laws we will abide by. As law enforcement officials, we do not get to pick and choose which laws we enforce.’”

“I plan to make a change here in Grantville,” he added. “And being as tough on crime as Sheriff Arpaio is will help make the city of Grantville a safe place to live and raise a family. We are on the right track now.”

Watch the video below KSAZ, broadcast in 2013.

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