Here is your equality & blind American justice…Florida police stop man over 200 times


This is just how America operates. She hates the so-called negro so much that she doesn’t care how she appears in global press reporting. Her desire is to make mock of, mistreat, oppress, demonize, scapegoat, kill, and kick in the mud the very people who loyally serve this nation and who really built the industry, real estate, manufacturing, military, and culture of America with centuries of free love, lives, labor, and sacrifice without any appreciation.!

Florida police stop man over 200 times


Earl Sampson
Bad press hasn’t killed stop-and-frisk.

The accusations of racial profiling behind stop-and-frisk laws are exemplified by this Florida man who has been stopped by police more than 200 times.

Earl Sampson, an African American employee at 207 Quickstop in Miami Gardens, Fla., explained to HuffPost Live’s Marc Lamont Hill that 100 of his 200 stops by police have resulted in arrest, including a time when he was pulled out of work and arrested for trespassing.

“I was just scared to be in my own neighborhood,” Sampson said.

“When I wake up in the morning, instead of being in my own neighborhood, I just try to walk somewhere — go to the library or somewhere. It’s ridiculous.”

A new report from Fusion found that from 2008 to 2013, Miami Gardens police stopped, questioned, then released 56,922 people. The number climbs to 65,328 residents stopped when including those who were arrested as a result of questioning.

Both Sampson and the owner of 207 Quickstop have filed a civil suit against the Miami Gardens Police Department. The Huffington Post

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