(Video Incl.)As if we didn’t know…US destabilizes to control resources of other nations: Gagnon


psy2Her history is written in blood. Her very foundation came from pretending to be friends to members of the God tribe Shabazz, then tricking them into nearly 500 years of murder, dehumanization, deceit, free labor, and near total destruction. They befriended our Red Indian brothers, then slaughtered them and took the land.

The book teaches us….””Woe to the bloody city! It is all full of lies and robbery; the prey departeth not; The noise of a whip, and the noise of the rattling of the wheels, and of the prancing horses, and of the jumping chariots.” (Nahum 3:1,2)

psyAmerica answers this prophecy of the ruins of ancient Ninevah. Ninevah was full of lies and robbery; so is America. “The prey departeth not.” The poor so-called Negroes in America are the prey and they refuse to depart from America regardless of the evil treatment they receive. Though the whips and the clubs of their enemy are heard night and day upon the heads and backs of the prey (so-called Negroes), they still do not desire to depart from America.

Ancient Ninevah, according to her history, was full of chariots that made much noise and the prancing horses carrying the chariots in full speed that the prophets described them as “jumping chariots.” So it is in America today: her cities are filled with automobiles and the noise of them is heard every hour of the day, rattling past our doors.

psy4She is full of blood from murdered people. She also fills another prophecy made in Habakkuk 2:12: “Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and stablisheth a city by iniquity!”

America was founded and built with blood and established by iniquity. She killed the aboriginal inhabitants (Indians) to establish herself as an independent people at the great loss of lives of the original owners. Her great progress has been made by the work of iniquity. She has robbed many people; and the blood of her slaves, the so-called Negroes, has stained the earth here and elsewhere, stained by her hands.”–Chp.28(tfoa)

psy3This is how she rules. She befriends…she deceives….she covertly destabilizes, she demonizes, then she justifies her reasons to bomb, invade, and occupy!

US destabilizes to control resources of other nations: Gagnon

A political commentator says the United States is creating chaos across the world in order to take control of resources of other countries.

“It’s certainly true that any weapons that the US sends there [Iraq] are very likely to end up in the hands of al-Qaeda and other terrorists and I have to say that this is what the United States wants,” Bruce Gagnon from Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space told Press TV on Thursday.

“This is what they intend because clearly the overall strategy of the United States in Iraq, or Libya, or Syria and now even Ukraine, it’s the same story create chaos, destabilize because out of that chaos and that destabilization and destruction of culture, destruction of unity, of community comes the ability to control resources and that’s what it’s all about, that’s what the agenda of the United States is,” he added.

Gagnon made the remarks when asked about Washington’s plans for massive weapons shipments to Iraq as the country is struggling with a resurgence of al-Qaeda violence.

Some experts say that US weapons might end up in the wrong hands if al-Qaeda invades other parts of the country.

The arms supplies, including Hellfire missiles and Scan Eagle unmanned drones, are expected to be airlifted to the country in the near future.

The weapons are part of a $15 billion contract between Washington and Baghdad under which the Iraqi forces have already received around 80 missiles and a dozen of drones.

On June 10, al-Qaeda affiliated militants seized control of parts of Iraq’s northern areas, including the nation’s second largest city, Mosul.

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