Unbelievable Imperial Hypocrisy…Obama: US will help but Iraq must mend divisions

This is just like the beast. Obama has been baptized in the wicked spirit of his puppet masters. He follows lock and step with our open enemies, which means that he too is our open enemy!  
It was America and Britain along with Israel which promoted sectarian strife in order to exploit divisions in an effort to force whomever is in power in that land to formulate policies that were to Western/colonial likings. Regardless of the effect on the society, this was and is the policy.
  They were forewarned by pundits and so-called think-tanks alike that invading Iraq and removing Saddam Hussein  would lead to sectarian strife and the possible break-up of the Iraqi nation.  Former Joint Chiefs of Staff/Secretary of State, General Colon Powell called it “You break it, you own it” doctrine.
  America, you & your allies broke it(Iraq). Now own up to it!
 Obama: US will help but Iraq must mend divisions (via AFP)

The United States may take military action to support Baghdad in its battle against Sunni extremists but only if Iraq takes steps to heal its sectarian divide, President Barack Obama said Friday. Obama warned that US ground troops would not be sent…

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