This is the thief calling the robber dishonest…US accuses Russia of sending tanks, rocket launchers to Ukraine rebels

Isn’t this the thief and murderer calling the robber untrustworthy? Here you have American officials on tape(Video and audio) openly planning to arm the Maidaan insurgence who now occupy the Ukrainian government.  This is not up for dispute.
Then you have Top American officials admitting that they’ve spent over $5billion to overthrow the legitimate government of that nation. They openly backed these terror elements. They openly trained, armed, and gave political cover to them.
  They have a CIA operations building in the heart of Kiev. America has imported 100’s of Black Water/Zi mercenaries who are running the genocidal operations going on there. Let us remember that Ukraine was actually a part of not only the Soviet Union ,but also a historical part of Russia. It sits thousands of miles from America’s borders, but right next door to Russia.
  Who’s security is threatened? And who is is threatening them? We know that it is flat out America…There is no mistaking it! Now as she overthrew a democratic government that disagreed with her policies and installed a nazi government, while arming them to the teeth, yet she has enough nerve to call out Russia!
US accuses Russia of sending tanks, rocket launchers to Ukraine rebels (via AFP)

The United States accused Russia of sending tanks and rocket launchers to pro-Moscow rebels in Ukraine as Kiev’s resurgent forces hoisted the national flag over a strategic rebel-held port amid fears of possible Russian gas cuts. Moscow said Ukrainian…

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