Messages from the Bear to the Eagle…You can be touched(Russian nuclear-capable bombers intercepted off California coast)


su-n3….”You have boasted that you could police the world and have come pretty near doing so but have failed to the “Bear” behind the tree and the “Lion” in the thicket. The sky over you is being filled with your enemy’s arms which can be seen with the naked eye.

su-n2Your scientists are troubled and at their wits’ end to find time to make ready, as it is written: “I have set the point of the sword against all their gates; that their heart may faint, and their ruins be multiplied. Ah! it is made bright, it is wrapped up for the slaughter” (Ezekiel 21:15). Answer: “For the tidings; because it cometh and every heart shall melt, and all hands shall be feeble and every spirit shall faint, and all knees shall be weak as water” (Ezekiel 21:7).

su-nThe Holy Qur-an also says: AAnd you shall see every nation kneeling down. Every nation shall be called to is book. Do you think that you want to be called to yours? Today, you shall be rewarded for what you did. This is our book that speaks against you with justice. Surely we wrote what you did (45:28, 29).

Woe, woe to America! Her day is near, and she shall be visited. Your enemies warn you that the third and final World War will be decided in your own country and not in theirs. Remember the old Bible’s sayings: “Wheresoever the carcass is, there will be eagles gathered together” (Matt. 25:28). You must understand know to whom the parable is directed.”–Chp.130(m.t.t.b.m.)

Russian nuclear-capable bombers intercepted off California coast

FILE photo. A Russian TU-95 bomber (Reuters)

A spokesperson for the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) confirmed this week that a fleet of Russian bombers set off alarms in the United States after coming within 50 miles of California’s Pacific coast.

Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, a spokesman for NORAD, told Washington Free Beacon reporter Bill Gertz that a pair of Tu-95 Bear H aircraft maintained by Russia came close to US airspace during practice bombing while four of the planes were conducting bombing runs near Alaska. According to Nuclear Threat Initiative nonprofit organization, Russia has 29 Tu-95 MS6 Bear H6s and 30 Tu-95 MS16 Bear H16s, which are equipped to fire both traditional and nuclear payloads at targets from the air.

David told the Beacon that this week’s incident occurred on Monday afternoon and was caught quickly by radar systems that monitored American air defense zones. The radar spotted all four Russian aircraft, he said, and two F-22 fighter jets used by the US Air Force were then mobilized to intercept the bombers.

“After tracking the bombers as they flew eastward, two of the four Bears turned around and headed west toward the Russian Far East,” Gertz wrote. “The remaining two nuclear-capable bombers then flew southeast and around 9:30 P.M. entered the US northern air defense zone off the coast of Northern California.

Those two aircraft, he added, made it within 50 miles of the coast before turning around. The pilots, Davis told the Beacon, appeared to have “acted professionally” and that their behavior was on par with activity that’s “not unusual” for long-range aviation training missions typically conducted by Russia during the summer months. Indeed, in recent weeks other Russian-owned Tu-95 bombers skirted UK airspace and have come close to US property in both Guam and California, The Aviationist reported last month. In March, Russia’s daily Nezavisimaya Gazeta, said the nation’s Strategic Missile Forces began a three-day drill to make sure there was sufficient readiness to conduct a nuclear offensive.

“We assess this was part of training,” David added of this week’s incident, “And they did not enter territorial airspace.”

In spite of its age, David Cenciotti wrote for The Aviationist, the Tu-94 “still represents a significant strategic weapon in Putin’s arsenal.”

Earlier this week, Russian drills intensified when the nation’s military began exercises in the Baltic that the Defense Ministry said was a response to recent exercises in eastern Europe conducted by NATO forces. Allied nations currently maintain a presence there, much to the chagrin of Moscow, as tensions along Ukraine’s border with Russia remain high.

The US State Dept. reported last year that Russia may have an arsenal that contains as many as 1,400 operationally deployed strategic nuclear warheads and 894 deployed and non-deployed launchers


Source: RT

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