Amerikkka: (Video Incl.)White supremacists distribute fliers at Ft. Carson asking soldiers to fight in coming race war

The present world (white people) have had their time and have gone over their time to rule. Nevertheless they still want to rule or destroy the idea of someone else ruling. They are preparing to kill you & your kind should they be given the chance.
….”This is very hard for you to listen to or accept from a man who stands at your door telling you that he is prepared to destroy you again and again and blast you out of your own house. We are now told in many skillful and deceitful ways that the white world is prepared and is putting those preparations into action against the Black Man.”–pg.103(o.s.h.a.)
   Just take a look at their latest moves against you and how they are preparing, even though they will be destroyed completely, to kill you by the thousands!!!
 White supremacists distribute fliers at Ft. Carson asking soldiers to fight in coming race war (via Raw Story )

Law enforcement officials in Colorado are investigating after soldiers at Fort Carson found materials trying to convert them into white supremacists to fight for a “white nation” in a coming race war. According to The Army Times, photos of recruitment…

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