(Video Incl.)Texas official defends recorded racist remarks: ‘Get those blacks off the school board’

The outbreak of hostility and racism in America across the board is nothing out of the realm of everyday. This is what has been pervasive in since this corrupt ,wicked, racists, and evil society was set-up, mind you on the back and blood of blacks and red indians.
This goes to the heart of the fact that we are not brothers. We were not made to live together. We should be separated on some territory to ourselves to go and build for self and let them live to themselves in the hateful and corrupt manner in which they live.
  As long as we live amongst this evil and wicked people we open ourselves up for this disrespect and hate and we become just like them, “But as soon as you take the Black Man away from the evil guide and put him under his own good guide, he will go to his own good guide and he will follow him because, by nature, the Black Man loves good.

This is why the Bible prophesies of a great separation (of the people) coming about before the end of The World of the wicked who love to take people and mix them up and make them to believe in other than right.

As you may have learned, if there is any good Black Man in America, and if his goodness is such that he refuses to teach people to follow the guide who is no good — then the no-good man becomes a hater of that good person and seeks the death of the good person.

The no-good man speaks evil of that good man just because the good man makes manifest the no-good man. Being no-good he does not want to be made manifest to The World because the no-good man seeks to keep The World under his no-good guidance.

The Doom of The World (of the white man) and the Time when his doom will come (now is the time of his doom) but those whom he has made blind, deaf, and dumb do not know who he is nor the time that he is to be taken away.

So, therefore, The World (of the white race) is filled with confusion and they do not know that to do themselves. They have confused the Black Man to the extent that the Black Man does not know now whether he should go for himself or remain seeking guidance from the devil.

But Allah (God) Will Not Let any of us be blind, today, to the truth. This is why He Came Himself; to be sure there will not be any mistake made.”–pgs.107 & 108(o.s.h.a.)

  Now you will be able to see it. Their true feelings about you and how the view you in on public display. Don’t be a fool. Reject these people and demand a separate territory for self or else continue to suffer this type of treatment until both you and they are removed!
Texas official defends recorded racist remarks: ‘Get those blacks off the school board’ (via Raw Story )

A Texas city council member defended racist comments she made in a private conversation that was recorded. Connie Trube, a two-term La Marque City Council member, made the comments while discussing the financial and academic troubles in the La Marque…

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