Russia Is Sending America & NATO A Message Of Air Superiority: Twenty SU-27 Fighter Jets to Be Based at Crimea’s Belbek Airbase


s-27I believe that this deployment of these types of advance aircraft will blunt any NATO notion of commandeering The Baltic & Black Sea areas. This type of firepower is nothing to play with and would quickly, along with the deployment(of the Russian Spitnaz special forces) of Iskander missiles, Yankhont missiles, and S-300 and S-400 Air Defense systems, overcome any and all NATO bases, missile shield, and naval deployments within hours of any conflict!

They are preparing for all-out total war…and a war for air superiority!

Twenty SU-27 Fighter Jets to Be Based at Crimea’s Belbek Airbase


Su-27 fighter jet

(RIA Novosti) – Twenty SU-27 fighter jets are to be relocated to Belbek airbase in Crimea by the end of 2014, a source at the Russian Ministry of Defense told RIA Novosti Tuesday.

“By the end of the year about twenty SU-27 fighter jets will be based at Belbek airbase serving the Russian air defense unit,” said the source.
Earlier, more than 50 aircraft were based at Belbek, including MIG-29 Ukrainian Air Force fighter jets. Currently, the process of transferring the fighters to Ukraine is near its completion.
According to the source, Russian pilots are to fly these planes, while pilots who quit the Ukrainian army are being trained as well. “The training will take half a year,” said the source.

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