In Preparations For The Coming Economic Collapse Of America, War Gear Flows to Police Departments


p2As America continues her military build-up on the borders of nations such as Russia, Iran, China, Syria, and others…she has not lost sight of her ex-slaves within her own borders. She has not lost sight of her rebelling own which are rising up for revolution.

p1 …”Up until this very minute, she is seeking to destroy the Black man in America and to deprive him of the freedom to do for self. America never desires a departure of the Black slave from his white slave-master. America wishes only to hold the Black slave in order to continue to treat him with evil.

p3Pharaoh’s hatred and injustice to Israel, in Egypt, in the time of Moses, should serve America as a warning; but she has fallen head long into the throes of the destruction of Allah (God).

p4America runs to and fro seeking a way out, but she does not try to justify her Black slave for justice and equality among the nations of the earth.”–pg.162(tfoa)

p5We know with certainty, we we can point to her laws, policies, and the way she treats and views us, that….”America, right up to today — with all of her battles with her outside enemies, never loses sight of the inside — her poor old Black Slave — she does not want him to do anything. She wants him to be deceived. She does not want him to accept his salvation that Allah (God) is offering the Black once-slave, here in America.”–pg.205(tfoa)

       War Gear Flows to Police Departments


EENAH, Wis. — Inside the municipal garage of this small lakefront city, parked next to the hefty orange snowplow, sits an even larger truck, this one painted in desert khaki. Weighing 30 tons and built to withstand land mines, the armored combat vehicle is one of hundreds showing up across the country, in police departments big and small.

The 9-foot-tall armored truck was intended for an overseas battlefield. But as President Obama ushers in the end of what he called America’s “long season of war,” the former tools of combat — M-16 rifles, grenade launchers, silencers and more — are ending up in local police departments, often with little public notice.

During the Obama administration, according to Pentagon data, police departments have received tens of thousands of machine guns; nearly 200,000 ammunition magazines; thousands of pieces of camouflage and night-vision equipment; and hundreds of silencers, armored cars and aircraft.

The equipment has been added to the armories of police departments that already look and act like military units. Police SWAT teams are now deployed tens of thousands of times each year, increasingly for routine jobs. Masked, heavily armed police officers in Louisiana raided a nightclub in 2006 as part of a liquor inspection. In Florida in 2010, officers in SWAT gear and with guns drawn carried out raids on barbershops that mostly led only to charges of “barbering without a license.”
Military Equipment for Local Police
As the nation’s wars abroad wind down, many of the military’s surplus tools of combat have ended up in the hands of state and local law enforcement. Totals below are the minimum number of pieces acquired since 2006 in a selection of categories.


Source: Department of Defense
Correction: An earlier version of this graphic included an incorrect label for an illustration of a magazine. The label should read “Magazines: No ammunition’’ — not “Magazine cartridges: Cartridges only, no ammunition.”
When the military’s mine-resistant trucks began arriving in large numbers last year, Neenah and places like it were plunged into the middle of a debate over whether the post-9/11 era had obscured the lines between soldier and police officer….MORE HERE



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