Can you not see that Envy and hatred are growing between the two people, regardless of their preachings of social integration? — FL official says he was ‘protecting’ himself when he shouted n-word at Publix shoppers

Because white America is in decline and because they are losing everything they held dear to them, they are lashing out at their age old scapegoat, the American so-called negro. Their hatred for their ex-slaves has reached epic proportions.
 It is a shame that they have this much hatred and contempt for a people who’s free labor, lives, and sacrifices is what built America into an economic, industrial, cultural, and military juggernaut. Having an army full of ex-slaves, they yet hate them to the very letter and spirit.
 This shows us just how they are. Nature did not make them to treat us right. Nature did not give them this type of a trait.
  The tempers between slave and master are boiling over. The hell that was put into the slave3 by the former masters are boiling over and ready to serve the former masters a healthy plate of all that they planted and sowed in the fields of slavery.
  The two people were not made to live together. Black and white must and will be separated at all costs. The black will be given freedom, justice, and equality, and the white will be turned to that which they so lovingly put on others….hell and destruction!
  ….”They must be separated. Envy and hatred are growing between the two people, regardless of their preachings of social integration. The truth must come.

What is better than the program you find I have written. You two (Black and white) cannot get along in peace since you never have gotten along in peace.

Do you know why the white American does not like to talk with you about separation, and why he calls separation of the two people the wrong solution for peace between the people? He knows that it is promised and that God will do it. Then, why do they not agree with separating themselves from you and me, and we from them? Why are the Black man and white man all over the earth now in disagreement with each other to live in peace? Do you know why?

Oh, foolish American so-called Negro, seek some of this earth that you can call your own to live on in peace. Unite and ask the government for a portion of America.

This is what we need — somewhere to live to ourselves and let the white man live to himself. The two people are not brothers. They are alien to each other. God did not make them brothers to each other.”–pg.160(tfoa)

FL official says he was ‘protecting’ himself when he shouted n-word at Publix shoppers (via Raw Story )

A Florida city commissioner apologized over the weekend for shouting the n-word at a woman in a grocery store parking lot, but said that he did it because he felt threatened by passengers in her car. In a police report obtained by WTVJ, a woman asserted…

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