They are gearing of for the big war in that region…Report: Israel to deploy nuclear-armed submarines off Iran coast

Greetings, zio We have said to you time and again that the jump off to the loss of American power and the destruction of Jerusalem will start in the North Africa/ Middle Eastern area of the world. Israel will be taken and America will be pushed completely out. zion4 We see all of the positioning and posturing for this regional conflict that is very near. It will ignite the whole region on fire. From there America will be confronted by China is the Asia Pacific. She will not be the winner. She will lose Asia too. zio2This is why they are building up. They know prophecy. They know their world is going on. They know their lies which maintain both America, Europe, and Israel are being exposed and that this exposure will surely unleash unknown rage against these perpetrators. zio3Believe me, it is getting close. Almost too close for comfort. Wake up my people and see the world and world events for what they are before you perish with these wicked demons who continue pushing war and greed for selfish evil gains. See the link below for more deployment of nuclear forces in the Middle East—

  Report: Israel to deploy nuclear-armed submarines off Iran coast


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