(Video Incl.)She knows that she is deserving of death…US deploys surveillance drones in Japan to spy on China, North Korea


droneAmerica knows that it will the Asiatic nation(s) that will lay her low. She knows the teachings of Messenger Muhammad and realize that time is not on her side, but she is planning and positioning for the coming conflict in Asia. Though she will not be the winner, she is yet trying to put on an air of confidence.

drone2These events were in the pipeline long ago. She knows this. She knows that she is guilty of practically every crime and sin imaginable. She knows that she is deserving of death therefore she is trying to monitor and watch everyone and everything that may threaten her power of rule.

She is desperate. She is a frantic confused fallen nation that knows that her death is coming. When she goes to war in Asia, she will be weakened by her terrific defeat that she will suffer at the hands of her enemies over their, and also as her so-called Asian allies break ranks with her and help her enemies.

drone3….”Now their doom is in sight. It is their own work.

They command the sea with their powerful navies, parking them off the shores of other nations. They secure air bases on their soils to place their deadly bomb — carrying planes within easy striking distances of those whom they fear to be their enemies. Is this not the easy way to make enemies?

drone4 Is this the act of a real Christian, the followers of Jesus whom they preach came for the peace of mankind and to teach the sheathing of the sword and the turning of the other cheek?”–pg.169(tfoa)

  US deploys surveillance drones in Japan to spy on China, North Korea

The United States has deployed two of its most advanced long-distance surveillance drones to a base in northern Japan to spy on North Korea and China.

The deployment of the Global Hawk drones was made over the past week, The Associated Press reported on Friday.

The US military is seeking to improve its ability to have a close look on North Korea’s alleged nuclear activities and Chinese naval operations, the report said.

The advanced drones are able to fly at over 18 kilometers, conduct long-range missions and hover around targeted areas for a whole day.

According to Lt. Gen. Sam Angelella, commander of US Forces Japan, the drones will remain there until October. The move is likely upset China and North Korea.

Tens of thousands of US forces are currently based in Japan under a security pact between the two countries.

The United States has repeatedly called on China to “refrain from provocative actions” in the South China Sea and East China Sea.

Beijing claims the South China Sea in its entirety, while other countries including the Philippines, Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam also have claims to the area and are in dispute with China.

In addition, China and Japan have long been locked in a dispute for more than a decade over the sovereignty of uninhabited islands in the South China Sea, known as the Senkaku islands in Japan and the Diaoyu islands in China, which are believed to have vast natural resources.

Although Washington has repeatedly said it would take no side on sovereignty of the disputed islands in the East China Sea, it officially recognizes Japan’s administration of the islands and feels responsible to protect Japan’s territory under a defense deal signed between the two countries.

Source: www.presstv.ir 

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