The Angels told Messenger Elijah Muhammad, “We came to destroy those who has rejected you. Who has rejected your message. We came to destroy them. We are Messengers of death for this people!!!


By Messenger Elijah Muhammad:

Since a Savior has appeared in America for us, and we have proof through prophesy that He would come now is come. To save us. I think that we should give honor and praise to the God who has chosen us who are the most dumbest of people in the western hemisphere. For you loves your enemy. And the bible, the theologians slipped that in their on you. “Love your enemies.” Who in the world can love an enemy? When God himself don’t love his enemies! But this is to keep you blind, deaf, and dumb. Love your enemies. They call the truth hate. They say, “What I teach is hate teaching. They teach that the teaching is to hate white people. NO! It is not the color. But the truth is not to make love with the devil. If you love the devil (All white people) you must suffer the consequences of the devil. And the devil is destined to be destroyed by The God of righteousness. Because righteousness have power. Righteousness have voice. Righteous have the power, and the wisdom, the know how, to rid itself of that which is other than itself. And if we love our enemies we can’t love God. You are in the hands of  the enemy. You have been deceived by the enemy of God. Oft time called adversary. That means devil just the same.  Anytime that you oppose to right, truth, and justice, you are an enemy to God. You can be white as snow, and, “YES SIR” you can be black as an ace of spades as they use to call it. Don’t make any difference you an enemy. These are the type of people that is destined to be removed from the earth today. It is the people who does not love righteousness. All of the white people won’t be destroyed because some of them believe. And by their belief they will be given an extension of time. But their is some that don’t believe, and will do everything against you believing. This is what you call Satan. Satan’s wickedness opposition is not confined to himself, but it affects others. Therefore when it affects others he makes others like himself. Save us from the total destruction of self and others. Others as I just mentioned to you are those who hate to see the people serve righteousness and truth. We cannot live among that people that is an enemy to God since God Himself now is present. Unless we want to suffer their fate or the consequences. God come to destroy unrighteousness, and to set up righteousness. At first offer a chance to live under a righteous government by those who by nature is from the God of righteousness. He go after His own. He go to save His own. Not somebody else’s own. He come to save you and me who are members of the nation of righteous, but have been made other than righteous by following a people that by nature was made other than right.

Save us from the ignorance of the time and judgement of the world. We are ignorant of the very time that we are living in. That this is the time of judgement of the world that we has known.We must know the truth. We must know the time and ending of this world. So that we will be able to fly for our live as Lot and His followers were. The Angels told Lot and Abraham what they came for. We came to destroy the people who has rejected you. Who has rejected your message. We came to destroy them. We are Messengers of death for this people. Make haste and get outta here Lot. Don’t look back. Don’t be in sympathy for the people that we going to destroy. Even if it be your own family. Make haste and get outta here. Because we cannot do nothing until you be gone. Think over that! I will send thy people from the east and they shall save you from the west. And He will send His Angels with a great sound of a trumpet. He have made me to know what that trumpet is. Why its called the sound? Because its a terrific thing, that has been fashioned to wake you up. That its capable of even trembling the earth like a earthquake. The Holy Qur-an prophesy of it as being so terrific in its sounding that everybody will swoon, except the Muslims, whom Allah please to remain sane. And without fear cause that is given to them. Those who believe shall not fear nor shall they grieve. This is entering into the believers here now. We are not afraid and we’re not grieving. If our children go from us we don’t grieve over that. All we want to know is, “Are you one of us?, or one of them? Take your place on either side you want to. We have lots of opposition to the truth. Our family sometimes is our greatest enemies. And this is a trial the Holy Qur-an teaches you. Then the Holy Qur-an gives us the answer of Allah… “He says you think yo beautiful wives, yo sons and yo daughters, yo wealth, and yo fine well bread horses will save you. From Allah. Wait and see. Just wait and see. See will that now help you. This means now don’t you think you can tell Allah, “Well these was my children’s, and this was my wife. I could not leave them.” The Jesus makes it clear He says, “Be up on the house top. Don’t even look to take nothing down come on and fly for yourself. If you in the bed you and your wife, get up and fly for yourself. Don’t look to try an carry the other one if the other one don’t wanna go. You fly for your life. “ONE TAKEN AND THE OTHER ONE LEFT!” This is to teach you and acquaint you with the seriousness of this day and time. Islam is here to separate. Not here to unite you with evil. You already united on the side of evil. But since that you are members of the righteous, it come to give to you the truth. And separate you from falsehood, and from those that seek to keep you covered under falsehood. He comes to save. To save us. This is a mighty great gift. To save us from the judgement and the destruction of our enemies. And as we see today the enemy is well aware of that. He’s doing everything He possibly can to get you and I to go down with him. It is up to you to cling to Allah, and to separate yourself from the enemy of Allah. It is up to you.



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