(Video Incl.)Pacification is offered but it does not satisfy…US preparing for ‘insurrection, riots’


u5You don’t believe it but it is going on now. The government is afraid of the people and the people are afraid of the time. The republic is dying and the nation of America is falling to her doom. It is here now!

u6This is evidence of what we term as the great commotion….” The great commotion today is witnessed by the nations of the earth, for it is America whom Allah (God) is after for her mistreatment of the poor so-called Negro (lost-found original Black members of their nation). America mistreated and killed her Black once-slaves for sport, but America’s day is drawing to a close and she will not have the freedom to mistreat the Black once-slave, much longer. As the mistreatment of the Egyptians practiced against Israel came to an end, so will the mistreatment of the Black slave by white America come to an end.

  u4America has so blinded and made deaf and dumb, the Black Man in America, her Black once-slave, that she makes empty promises to the Black slave and he will accept her false promises and forsake the true promises of Allah (God) in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, Who is here offering us heaven at once.

 u3 The great commotion will continue in America until this commotion has destroyed the power of opposition.”–pg.53(tfoa)

They are doing everything they can to calm the storm. They are in a panic. They are offering all that they can to bring stability. This offer is nothing but pacification, pacification is offered but it does not satisfy.

  US preparing for ‘insurrection, riots’: Analyst

A new revelation that the US government has built another secret military urban training center has raised concerns that federal authorities might be preparing for “a potential insurrection” in the country, a military analyst in Washington says. 

Newly leaked Marine Corps’ documents detail another military urban training center that more closely resembles a “small town.” The document, entitled “Military Operations on Urban Terrain Collective Training Facility,” details the specifics of a mock 30-acre town located on Camp Lejeune in North Carolina.

According to a military whistleblower who provided the documents to Infowars.com, the urban training center includes a Baptist church, a police station and several farmhouses.

There is growing concern for rioting and demonstrations in the United States because of the policies of the Obama administration that many people oppose, said Michael Maloof, a former Pentagon analyst and a writer for WorldNetDaily conservative website.

The military urban training center “has raised concerns that what is the motive,” Maloof told Press TV on Saturday. “There is the question of why the federal law enforcement agencies and even local law enforcement agencies are undertaking this kind of activity and it lends to concerns that there may be rioting against government policies in the United States.”

In February, The Telegraph reported that the US Army had built a 300 acre “fake city” with a sports stadium, bank, school, and an underground subway in order to train for unspecified future combat scenarios. The recently opened site is located in Virginia and was built at a cost of $96 million dollars, taking two years to complete.

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