The Great is Falling!!! By Messenger Elijah Muhammad!!! “So for all you spectators with your your head stuck in the EASTERN SAND make note of how Elijah teaches us that, “The so-called Negroes know not that the above warnings are directed to them, and that they are living in the country where {ALL} the prophecy of this chapter (Rev. 18) has been and is being fulfilled.”


By Messenger Elijah Muhammad:

September 15th, 1956

The Great Is Falling
(Revelation 18:2,4)
“COME OUT of her my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and receive not of her plagues.”

The so-called Negroes know not that the above warnings are directed to them, and that they are living in the country where all the prophecy of this chapter (Rev. 18) has been and is being fulfilled.

They are poor, spiritually blinded, and do not know it. Why should the GREAT BABYLON FALL? The second verse answers; because she has become the HABITATION OF DEVILS, and the hold of every FOUL SPIRIT, and a cage of every UNCLEAN and HATEFUL BIRD (Rev. 18:2). Nothing could fit the description of North America better.

The country is the habitation of every type of human wickedness. Ancient Sodom, Gomorrah, Nineveh, Babylon and Roman sine were only children’s acts compared with the modern sine of America. The wicked cry and rage for more freedom to commit more sins.

THEY PRACTICE the worse kind of filthy wickedness that it takes scientists to think up and invent. This people have done and will-do worse.

This race (Caucasian) hates the truth, when that truth is in the favor of her slaves (the so-called Negroes).

Gambling is a common sin in America, drunkenness, use of drugs, adultery, lovers of self, sweethearting with one’s own sex, and murder are the order of the day. Sodom was rich with plenty, her people passed away their time in idleness, but not as much nor as rich as modern Babylon (America), her equal is not found in the past.

America committed suicide when she brought the so-called Negroes from their native land and into slavery. This can’t be forgiven her, though the so-called Negroes would gladly forgive, for promise of social equality, but it is not left to the slave to forgive his master.

REMEMBER THE BIBLE’S parables of Lazarus and the rich man, and Abraham acting as the spokesman for Lazarus. Abraham knew that Lazarus would have been foolish enough to try making an attempt to save his Master who was in hell to his own destruction.

Not one time did the rich man ask Abraham to bring him water, but he knew the weakness of his servant Lazarus, and was fully aware of the consequences of Lazarus’ attempt to aid him after being engulfed into the Divine chastisement.

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