The Scientists of America knows that she is on her way out…Ron Paul: US interventionism will bring about its collapse


us2The reason that America’s leaders can’t make heads or tails of her foreign and domestic policies is because both them and their country or nation has fallen deep into the great Judgment that God promised to them. It is on them now. It is whipping them mentally as well as politically and economically.

In this Judgment of America she is made manifest. The confusion is becoming unbearable…”America is bringing about political gloom. Here politicians are unable to carve out a future for America. The plan of deceiving the so-called Negro politicians to work against their own freedom, justice and equality (salvation) that Allah (God) has brought to them, is making the so-called Negroes in high offices become the enemy of his own people’s freedom, justice and equality.“–pgs.200 & 201(tfoa)

us1She puts on this brave face ,but in reality she knows that her days are numbered. She is definitely on her way out. All of her false promises to the American so-called Negroes, will be short-lived by both — because the time of her doom has approached.

They can’t fashion a coherent policy. Even their leaders and former leaders are screaming out loud telling them that collapse is inevitable!

Ron Paul: US interventionism will bring about its collapse

Former US lawmaker Ron Paul

Former US lawmaker Ron Paul

Former US lawmaker Ron Paul says China will soon overtake the United States as the world’s largest economy as officials in Washington are squandering the taxpayer money on “a hyper-interventionist foreign policy.”

“One advantage China has over the US is that the Chinese government does not waste money on a hyper-interventionist foreign policy. The United States government spent approximately $752 billion on the military in fiscal year 2013. In contrast, China spent approximately $188 billion,” the former presidential candidate wrote in a piece published Sunday on the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.

While most economists had previously predicted that China would become the leading global economic power by 2019, data compiled by the world’s leading statistical agencies have recently shown that China would overtake the United States as early as this year.

“News that China is soon to surpass the United States as the largest economy in the world is a stark reminder of how the American people are harmed by the welfare-warfare state, crony capitalism, and fiat currency,” Paul wrote.

Stressing that only “those who run or work for the military-industrial complex” benefit from America’s overblown military spending and bellicose foreign policy, Paul added, “The only way to avoid continuing collapse is to finally reject an interventionist foreign policy, stop bailing out and subsidizing politically powerful industries, and restore a free market in money.”

Paul’s remarks come as a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey showed that Americans are becoming tired of their government’s interventionist policies around the world.

The poll’s findings revealed that nearly half of Americans want Washington to “be less active in world affairs” while only 19 percent call for a more active role.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the findings are indicative of “an anti-interventionist current that sweeps across party lines” in the United States.

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