(Video Incl.)Your enemies warn you(America) that the third and final World War will be decided in your own country and not in theirs.


su-3What we are seeing with the deployment of forwards forces by America and her NATO allies, and what we are seeing with the flexing of military forces by Russia and her allies, namely Iran and China is the rattling of war.  This is sabre rattlings and muscle flexing before the outbreak of hostilities.

The nations are arraying themselves in battle array . This is the time where war must come and the positioning of it is now taking place. From Africa to the Middle East, and from South America to Europe over to Asia, there is a steady build-up for war and the flexing of forces in a forceful show of resolve and intent.

su-4Also as we analyze what is going on, let us remember this when we look at these nations abroad flying warplanes near America and when we see nations like North Korea and Iran coming into possessions of hardware and missiles that can touch American interests…we are seeing the end of American forward projection of power.

We are seeing the end of American empire. We are seeing an end to American hegemony. So we watch and learn that…”You have boasted that you could police the world and have come pretty near doing so but have failed to the “Bear” behind the tree and the “Lion” in the thicket. The sky over you is being filled with your enemy’s arms which can be seen with the naked eye.

su-1Your scientists are troubled and at their wits’ end to find time to make ready, as it is written: “I have set the point of the sword against all their gates; that their heart may faint, and their ruins be multiplied. Ah! it is made bright, it is wrapped up for the slaughter” (Ezekiel 21:15). Answer: “For the tidings; because it cometh and every heart shall melt, and all hands shall be feeble and every spirit shall faint, and all knees shall be weak as water” (Ezekiel 21:7).

The Holy Qur-an also says: And you shall see every nation kneeling down. Every nation shall be called to is book. Do you think that you want to be called to yours? Today, you shall be rewarded for what you did. This is our book that speaks against you with justice. Surely we wrote what you did (45:28, 29).

su-2 Woe, woe to America! Her day is near, and she shall be visited. Your enemies warn you that the third and final World War will be decided in your own country and not in theirs. Remember the old Bible’s sayings: “Wheresoever the carcass is, there will be eagles gathered together” (Matt. 25:28). You must understand know to whom the parable is directed.”–Chp.130(m.t.t.b.m.)

US general says Russia increases military flights in Asia-Pacific region

A top US Air Force general says Russia has intensified its air force activity in the Asia-Pacific region following the outbreak of the crisis in Ukraine.

General Herbert “Hawk” Carlisle, the head of US air forces in the Pacific, said that the activity had included Russian flights to the coast of California, around the US Pacific island of Guam as well as around Japanese islands and Korea.

“They’ve come with their long-range aviation off the coast of California; they circumnavigated Guam,” he said in a presentation to the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington on Monday.

“It’s to demonstrate their capability to do it; it’s to gather intel,” Carlisle said. “We relate a lot of that to what’s going on in the Ukraine.”

Guam is the location of Anderson Air Force Base used by the Pentagon for bomber flights across the ocean.

“There are things that are concerning with respect to how they operate and how transparent they are with other nations in the vicinity,” the general said.

The remarks were made while the United States has sent hundreds of troops to Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the wake of the Ukraine crisis.

The Western military build-up at Russia’s doorstep has raised concerns of a direct confrontation between the NATO military alliance and Moscow over Ukraine.

Russia began extensive military maneuvers near its border with Ukraine, saying the escalation of violence in eastern Ukraine and the militarization of the region by the US and its allies have forced it to react.

In an interview with Press TV last month, American political commentator Don DeBar said that the US is “placing the military resources into the theater for an attack on Russia.”

He added that the Russians are apparently being encircled by the US military.

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