Game-Changer Move — Russia to Provide Syria with First Batch of Jet Trainers


Tit for tat. As Western nations step up their efforts to dislodge Syrian President Assad from power through the use of imported terrorists elements ransacking the nation. The West sees that these elements are in dire straits as Syrian forces rack up win after win in the nation. Knowing this they have given more weapons to these terrorists elements.

Now Russia is responding. This may be a game changer. This will also put pressure on Israeli forces who have long enjoyed air superiority. These planes were supposed to be delivered some time ago, but were held back.

Now if Russia carries through on its promise to deliver these Yak trainer fighter jets, they can be used in real time war against Israeli f-15’s and f-16’s. They can also be used as point defense and air defense interceptors against Israeli, Turkish, Jordanian, or NATO forces who may try to invade Syrian airspace.

Also they can be used to bomb the mess out of terrorists held areas in Syria proper. This would be a definite game changer!

Russia to Provide Syria with First Batch of Jet Trainers until End of Year

Yak-130 jet trainer

(RIA Novosti) – Russia plans to send the initial batch of the Yakovlev Yak-130 jet trainers to Syria until the end of 2014, with further plans to fully complete the contract for 36 aircraft in 2016, the Kommersant newspaper wrote Monday, citing a source close to Russian arms exporter Rosoboronexport.

Damascus will receive nine aircraft until the end of this year, and in the next two years – 12 and 15 respectively, according to the informant.

“Thus, we will fulfill obligations under a previously signed contract for the supply of 36 Yak-130 jets,” the newspaper quoted the source.

Last June, Kommersant wrote that Syria had transferred some $100 million of advance payment to Russia for the first six Yak-130 jets under a contract signed in December 2011. At that moment all Yak-130s were ready, waiting only for a political decision to install engines and avionics, and then to be sent to Syria, according to the RIA Novosti source back in the days.

Syria has been facing an internal armed conflict since March 2011. Russia has repeatedly stated that it supplies the country only with defensive weapons without violating international law.


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