This is the setting of the nations for battle & war


  As Western news report of deployments of American forces in the Baltic states near Russia, they hardly are telling us that Russia is not backing down. America is in former Soviet territory conducting war games near Russia after failing to completely take over Ukraine to bring it into NATO.

Russia also is not sitting idle. She has just commenced war games near the same area that America and NATO forces are conducting theirs to show them that they don’t scare them. Then Russia sent a naval destroyer to the coast of the UK to show you that two can play that game.

On top of that, Russia deployed a strong sign of war readiness……..”One of the prophets of the Bible prophesied in regard to America, “As the morning spreads abroad upon the mountains, a great and strong people set in battle array.” (Joel 2:2). This is the setting of the nations for a showdown to determine who will live on earth.”–pg.176(tfoa)

Russian Bombers Conduct Test Flights Over Northern Europe

Tu-95MS “Bear” strategic bomber

 (RIA Novosti) – Russian Tu-95MS “Bear” strategic bombers, accompanied by supersonic Mikoyan MiG-31 interceptors, have conducted test flights over neutral waters of the North Sea, a senior Air Force official told reporters Thursday.

Russia’s strategic bomber force regularly performs flights over neutral waters of the Arctic, the Atlantic, the Black Sea and the Pacific Ocean.

The flights sometimes prompt a reaction by neighboring countries. Japan has scrambled aircraft to escort such flights several times since the beginning of the month.

The Russian Defense Ministry has insisted that the flights are carried out “in strict accordance with international regulations” and do not violate the borders of other countries.

“The flight route was over the neutral waters of the North Sea, along the Kola Peninsula. The aircraft have flown some 12,000 kilometers. The flight duration exceeded 16 hours,” Col. Igor Klimov said.

The crews were training to fly over featureless terrain and perform aerial refueling. A pair of MiG-31 interceptors escorted the bombers, interacting via an A-50 airborne early warning aircraft.

The Tupolev-95 (NATO designation Bear) is a Russian turboprop-powered strategic bomber and missile platform. The bomber, the fastest propeller aircraft ever built, is a famous symbol of the Cold War.

The Tu-95MS variant, equipped with the X-55 cruise missile, is the backbone of the modern Russian strategic bomber force. The plane is designed to destroy critical facilities in the rear of the enemy at any time and under any weather conditions.

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