(Video Incl.)Now you are plagued by murder and death… — Gun-related violence claims multiple lives in Chicago on Easter


chimur The growing trend of violence in what is called America’s 3rd city, is a sign of the anger of God. Black children are no longer to be spared because their parent have constantly rejected the presence of God’s Messenger ,who lived with them in their midst for decades. They willfully and willingly ignored, mocked, rejected, and avoided listening to him and the message that he trumpeted.

murNow judgment sets in the doors of this once great metropolitan city founded by a black man in the heart of this nation. Violence is haunting the movements of the people. dread has befriended the city. Bewilderment has encircled the population.

Trouble has no end. The city had degenerated to such a degree that civilized people are afraid to walk the street or work the communities at night. They have become hostages in their own city and community.

deYou would be safer walking the streets of Iraq and Afghanistan, which are war zones engulfed in death and destruction. This says it all.

What else could you expect when…”She is full of blood from murdered people. She also fills another prophecy made in Habakkuk 2:12: “Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and stablisheth a city by iniquity!”

  dontAmerica was founded and built with blood and established by iniquity. She killed the aboriginal inhabitants (Indians) to establish herself as an independent people at the great loss of lives of the original owners. Her great progress has been made by the work of iniquity. She has robbed many people; and the blood of her slaves, the so-called Negroes, has stained the earth here and elsewhere, stained by her hands.“–p116(tfoa)

Now you are plagued by murder and death…”Evil and filth are the god and worship of America. Never has a people on the face of the earth become so bold in their evil practices never before America has there been a nation on the face of the earth where scores of murders take place daily and nightly. In one large metropolitan city of America, the death rate is terrific…children kill children….male is against male and female is against female, destroying each other.”–pg.126(tfoa)

    Gun-related violence claims multiple lives in Chicago on Easter 

“Chiraq” has become the most common term to describe the U-S city of Chicago these days. A play on words between Iraq and Chicago . The city was given this nickname because of the high rate of violence and deaths, comparing it to the situation in Iraq.

A series of deadly shootings has put the problem of Chicago’s murder epidemic back in the headlines. The first incident was reported when five young teenagers under the age of 15 were shot in a Chicago playground.

The victims, four boys and a girl, had gone there after Easter services at a nearby church. According to eyewitness accounts a car pulled up and one of the occupants asked the youngsters if they were part of a gang.

Before they had a chance to answer, the people in the car started shooting. The 11-year-old girl was the most severely wounded with multiple gunshot injuries. She is expected to survive. Two other men were fatally shot later in the weekend as they sat in a car that was also occupied by two kids, ages 3 and 7.

The children were physically unharmed. But the Easter Weekend was preceded by a weekend in which 37 people were shot, four of them fatally. Much of the violence has been blamed on the city’s ever growing gang problem and detectives are working to find those responsible.

However gun control advocates say that until President Barack Obama doesn’t take guns off the streets of his hometown, fatal incidents likes these will not stop. Voice of Andrew Holmes: “We have to change the structure and teach these kinds more about love and not about hatred. We have to be on the forefront to protect our kids.”

The shootings all happened on Chicago’s south side. Racial segregation that has existed for decades dividing the city, has created large areas of concentrated poverty rampant with crime, neglect, and alcohol and drug addiction.

Source: www.presstv.ir

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