(Video Incl.)The Rise of the Militias & the fall of the Republic


The Republic is under strain and duress. The whole nation has become divided. As she divided other nations and peoples for the sake of conquer and plunder, now too is she divided to be taken in the divine snare that has entrapped her and leading her to her eventual doom.

Believe me when I tell you that America is in deep trouble! This trouble is not like the trouble that you have been accustomed to. No, she is troubled by the winds of judgment touching her bones with the decree of fate.

This is what has her crazed, dazed, and frightened to death….”The great commotion of the government and    people of America; the civil unrest, insurrection, mental excitement, and noise confusion — there is no action that is being taken, nor can there by any action taken, that would bring the people to a better condition of civil action.

  The white American people have practiced evil and injustice to the man in the mud, the Black slave, for so long that they think that there would never by any divine action taken against them, for such evil and injustice. But this is what is now affecting — it is the actions of divine justice for the poor man (Black slaves).

  Allah (God) in the Person of Master Fard    Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, has the power, and He is using His power on the wicked to bring them to their knees. Allah (God) is the greatest and there is no equal to Him. Allah (God) can take us by our own way of thinking and spin us as though we are a play-toy. We cannot fight a successful fight against Him. He is too powerful. He listens in on our thinking and He is capable of making us to think and to do that which He desires to be done.

  The great commotion today is witnessed by the nations of the earth, for it is America whom Allah (God) is after for her mistreatment of  the poor so-called Negro (lost-found original Black members of their nation). “–Chp.53(tfoa)

So we are seeing this now. We are getting a taste of what Messenger Elijah Muhammad described as…Anger rising up in the midst. This is everywhere and evident wherever you may be here in the American republic.

Remember these words pronounced by Elijah Muhammad on August 3rd, 1973…..”With unemployment mounting so fast, it will create revolution. And everybody will want to divide the government up into pieces and every leader will want to grab a piece for his part to try to muster some kind of government patterned  after his own way of thinking.

Desolation…if we are going to suffer deprivation in a country that has been the pride of the nations, this will make it altogether worse. For everybody will be thinking about the way that they used to live, and the freedom and the privileges that they used to have. And this will make anger rise up in the midst.

What I am trying to show you is that the Prophet Daniel cannot be wrong, because this desolation that is determined to poured on the most desolate, is aimed at the place in which we now live. And just remember that you cannot expect paradise, here when such a condition of desolation is headed toward America.

And since we cannot make Prophet’s words other than the truth, we expect this desolation, and we are receiving this desolation, now!

And the way to hasten such desolation is to confuse the heads of government. And if we see this confusion of the heads of government, as plain as the 5 fingers on our hands…and if we have only 1 finger on our hand, we can see that the government is confused and cannot find a way out, in peace with itself daily and nightly. We see and hear what they are doing.

It is a confused time of the governments, of which the citizens look to for guidance.”—(Article: “The End Of The War”)

I ask you…are his words true? Are they not being made manifest and vindicated in today’s world. Just look around. The people are rising up against the government. The government is set in battle array against those whom they are to govern.

The Rise of the Militias in America is helping to speed up the Fall of the Republic!

  ‘I blame both sides,’ Oklahoma militia members join fight against feds

OKLAHOMA CITY  – A land dispute in Nevada  between rancher Cliven Bundy and the federal government began decades ago.

The Bureau of Land Management says Bundy was allowing his cattle to graze illegally which triggered a round-up of about 400 head of cattle last week.

Bundy claims his family’s cattle have grazed on the land since 1870 without interference from the government.

However, the Bureau of Land Management says Bundy hadn’t paid his grazing fees since 1993.

Over time, officials say those fees have amounted to more than $1 million.

As authorities herded the cattle, a standoff was sparked with members of the militia.

Organizers with the Oklahoma Militia say they have members in Nevada who claim Bundy’s cattle were unlawfully herded by the bureau.

The Oklahoma Militia says it is made up of nearly 50,000 volunteers.

Members say they are taking Bundy’s side and fear this practice could spread to the Sooner State.

Scott Shaw said, “Evidently in America we don’t actually own the property anymore if you ever did.”

Shaw says Oklahoma Militia members are ready to take up arms against the federal government if needed.

He said, “It’s up to the feds. The ball’s in their court! You can do this legally or if you want to try to do a land grab violently, you can do that. We’re going to resist you!”

Shaw says the militia has not had to defend Oklahoma from the government yet but members are becoming concerned.

Shaw said, “Just look around the country, they are doing it everywhere. If they can do it in Nevada, they can do it in Colorado, Texas. I mean, what’s to stop them from coming to Oklahoma? The only thing to stop them is ‘We the People’.”

However, not everyone agrees.

Sen. Jim Inhofe said, “You’ve got a bunch of people there trying to take the law into their own hands and they shouldn’t be doing that. And the Bureau of Land Management is not government-owned, it’s publicly owned. There’s a big difference there. I blame both sides.”

The Bureau of Land Management released the cattle after confiscating them.

Source: http://kfor.com

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