The atmosphere of war is suffocating! –Putin responds to NATO threats


Lately we have seen a more belligerent and openly hostile attitude by America and NATO leaders against Russia. These things are happening because this is the time for war. What was once kept in the dark in geopolitics is now bursting forth into the openly with front page diplomatic spats.

As NATO reneges on all treaties signed with Russia, Russia has prepared herself for the coming conflict. There is a atmosphere of war evolving in the Western world. This war will engulf the entire anglo/European world.

As I was reading Eastern news, Xinhua news organization of China reported something very important about the true situation in Europe. You would have thought that Western media would have put the words of President Vladamir Putin on their front page stories, but they have all but ignored what was said….and it is a doozy.

Because of the significance of what was said, we are now printing it for your reading. I will highlight the most important parts for you below.

  Putin says not to fear NATO enlargement

President Vladimir Putin said Thursday Russia does not fear the enlargement of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), but called for a sober view over the bloc’s potential further expansion.

“We have no fear — I do not have and no one else should have this either. Yet we have to bear the realities in mind,” Putin said in his annual live Q&A session with Russian public.

Responding to a remark that the NATO actions created “a suffocating feeling,” Putin said: “We can suffocate them ourselves, don’t be so afraid.”

He admitted that the decisions on Crimea annexation were partially related to concerns over possible Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the bloc’s further military move in the Black Sea region, where Russia stations one of its flagship fleets.

“We have and we will bear in mind these circumstances and react accordingly,” Putin said.

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