NATO & Russia at the crossroads: Military preparations for desolations!


Now you see the scrambling for positioning and the build up for the war that is coming to Europe. For years after WW2 the European nations prided itself as the seat of civility and the center of civilization. They thought that war in and on that continent was impossible.

Yes, they have warred against African nations and others, destroying infrastructure, independence, and having massive casualties. They were brought to think that this would never come back to them. They thought that as long as they were united and shared some of the same values, they would be able to put their differences aside to work together to maintain white domination globally.

They never thought that their interests would change. They never thought that their unity of rule would be broken. Now they are getting a dose of reality as they breaking of European power is broken.

Recently we heard bellicose statements being made by NATO in breach of their signed agreement with Russia, and done so in a very threatening and angry manner….” NATO to deploy more soldiers to Eastern Europe” 

  And then in a like manner Russia quickly responds in a stern manner :

Russia to take all measures to provide national security – Permanent Representative to NATO

Alexander Grushko

Alexander Grushko

Alexander Grushko, Permanent Representative of Russia to NATO, says that Russia will take measures to provide national security as NATO is reinforcing its allies, RIA Novosti reports.

“We should find out in what way will NATO plans affect Russia’s security and the security of its allies. Anyway, we will take all measures to prevent any threat to our security and stability,” Grushko told Russian journalists.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Secretary General of NATO, said on Wednesday that NATO allies would intensify air patrolling of the Baltic region, send ships to the Baltic and the Mediterranean Seas and deploy more military personnel. These measures are to be taken in the nearest future. Read more:

: This is showing us that we are nearing this much talked about and much prophesied chapter in European & American history, because we know that…”After the war — “and unto the end of the war, desolations are determined….and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.” (Bible Dan. 9:26-27) I want you to know that, that which will be poured means: it is the deprivation of you, America, of your ever getting back into power again  to attack the nations of the earth.

   Europe will become one of the worse war areas of all the world; more dreadful than Viet Nam and other places that you are planning on going into. Asia will look like child’s play when compared to what is going to happen in Europe. The prophets say,” Woe to the land that is shadowed with wings.” This means America whose sky is filled with planes.

  Most all of the judgments and troubles which are pointed out in the Bible are pointed at America. Study them for yourself.”–pg.204(tfoa)

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