US to send new warship to Black Sea…The build up for war is for the eventual war that is coming to Europe


She is the most arrogant nation to ever exist. This is proving to be her own undoing. She is falling victim to her “super power syndrome”, just as empires such as Rome, Babylon, and the British Empire fell victim to their own imperial hubris.

This is angering the old world of rebelling and warring against each other….”This is the time of the destruction of a world. It is not to be compared with the destruction of an organization or a few towns as it was in the days    of Noah. The destruction today is the destruction of a whole world. The prophets could not have given us a better picture of what we may expect today than the picture of what took place in the fall of ancient Babylon.

 The Earth, land, and sea are set in battle array. Every type of deadly weapon is fashioned and is now being used against man and man. See Holy Qur’an Chap. 30:41. There cannot be any peace for man under these conditions.”–Chp.43(o.s.h.a.)

The build up for war is for the eventual war that is coming to Europe. They just cannot get around it. It’s coming. And in fact, it’s just about here!

US to send new warship to Black Sea: Romanian President

Guided-missile destroyer USS Donald Cook

 Guided-missile destroyer USS Donald Cook

As tensions grow between Ukraine and Russia, Romanian President Traian Basescu says the US will send another warship to the Black Sea after its guided-missile destroyer USS Donald Cook leaves.

Speaking to reporters in the port of Constanta on Monday, the Romanian president added that USS Donald Cook arrived in the Black Sea last week to carry out exercises aimed at improving interoperability, increasing readiness and boosting relations.

Basescu noted that a French vessel is also in Romania’s Constanta Port to show support.

The USS Donald Cook, which is a multi-mission ballistic missile-capable destroyer, crossed Turkey’s Bosphorus Strait on April 10 and entered the Black Sea, with sources within the Russian military saying the move is part of a systematic build-up of naval forces by NATO allies in the region.

The USS Donald Cook joined guided-missile USS Truxtun last month for joint military exercises with the Romanian and Bulgarian navies in the Black Sea.

Last month, Ukraine’s Crimea region rejoined Russia after residents in the peninsula voted in a referendum to break away from Ukraine.

Tensions began to build between Washington and Moscow following bloody protests in Ukraine which led to the ouster of former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych.

Russia called the ouster of Yanukovych a Western-backed coup and annexed the strategic region of Crimea, a move that angered both NATO member countries and the United States.

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