NATO under the gun in South Central Asia…Attack on NATO trucks in Pakistan kills driver

American forces are under strain. Both America and her partners are in deep trouble in Asia. The bribes to governments for safe transport are no longer sufficient to protect them and their cargo.
There is a growing sense of hatred for not only America, but also for her armed military wing called NATO( The North Atlantic Terrorist Organization). Their escape routes out of Afghanistan are being stymied.
  Her equipment is being destroyed. This also is the case for NATO. This shows us that even with all of the bluster and public threats, if NATO can’t handle Pakistan and surrounding nations, there is no way they will be able to handle Russian forces who are being armed to the teeth in a massive quick moving rearmament program.
Attack on NATO trucks in Pakistan kills driver (via AFP)

Gunmen in restive northwest Pakistan on Monday attacked container trucks carrying supplies to NATO troops in Afghanistan, killing a driver, officials said. The violence took place around 25 kilometres (15 miles) west of Peshawar, the main city of the…

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