(Video Incl.)They(nations) are being gathered in the valley of Jehoshaphat [Europe and Asia] — US military buildup in Black Sea can lead to ‘war between nuclear powers’


America knows that her time is limited so she is trying and doing everything to try to maintain her rule over the nations. She is even willing to provoke Russia, a near equal military power, into conflict because she sees that Russia is orchestrating oil and gas deals and currency swaps that is causing dollar dumping.

She realizes that without the dollar as the medium of exchange between the nations she can no longer export inflation or get a free ride and spend into oblivion without being called into account. She knows that the more nations join in with what China and Russia are doing means the less power and levers she has to exert control over global affairs.

This is driving her towards insanity. Now a re-armed re-emerging and self confident Russia is no longer willing to bow to Western dictates and demands. They have drawn a line and are telling America and its terroristic military wing, NATO, that they are prepared to go to war if necessary to guard and protect Russia’s interest internationally.

So here we have a resurgent power in Russia, saying no to America’s push to encircle and contain, and then eventually balkanize Russia and weaker states for plunder. And we have a falling power who once exercised unlimited power in geopolitics, economics, and militarily over all other nations, and is now refusing to yield and go peaceful into the night.

The means conflict and confrontations. War is coming. War is overdue.

What we see now is a great deployment of American military might around the world, from Asia to South America to Africa to the Middle East, and even down to Europe. This is Allah stretching her military forces to the breaking point.

But the build up in Europe and in Asia in particularly is being caused by God in person. We know this by our study of scripture. It tells us that God said to them…”I will also gather all nations and will bring them down into    the valley of Jehoshaphat [Europe and Asia — between black and white] and will please with them there for my people and for my heritage [the lost and found, so-called Negroes], Israel whom they have scattered among the nations and parted by land [between the European white race] and they have casted lots for my people and have given a boy for a harlot and sold a girl for wine that they might drink” (Joel 3:2, 3).

 American has fulfilled this to the very letter and spirit with her slaves (the so-called Negroes) under the type of Israel.”–Chp.116(tfoa)

  US military buildup in Black Sea can lead to ‘war between nuclear powers’

Washington’s military buildup in the Black Sea “can easily lead to a war” between the United States and Russia, an American political analyst has warned.

“Every increase of military forces in the area is going to increase the tension,” Bill Jones from Executive Intelligence Review told Press TV on Tuesday.

Pentagon spokesman colonel Steven Warren said on Monday the United States is dispatching a warship to the Black Sea amid tensions between Ukraine and Russia.

“We have decided to send a ship into the Black Sea. We expect it will arrive there within a week,” Warren said.

He added that the deployment was only aimed at reassuring regional partners. “The purpose is primarily to reassure our allies and partners in the region that we’re committed to the region.”

The analyst also criticized the Obama administration’s policy regarding Russia.

“The issue has to be resolved you see what’s happening in the eastern Ukraine that the population is very much upset. There is people out on the streets now and somehow the US and Russia have got to work together on this issue, but what the US is doing of course is playing hard ball, increasing the sanctions, increasing the military activity in the area. This is not going to help anything,” Jones explained.

“The Russians are concerned that they’re being encircled by a policy from the US and there is enough proof of that over the last 20 years to justify that and to the extent that increases I think we come closer and closer to a conflict not between Ukraine and Russia, but between Russia and the United States,” he added.

“I think the direction which is going in terms of a military buildup is definitely the wrong direction and can easily lead to a war between nuclear powers,” Jones concluded.

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