The “Great Deceiver” is exposed: US lying to public on domestic and foreign issues


She is being exposed domestically and internationally as a liar and a deceiver. Her own population mistrusts this wicked and evil lying government. It is a shame when the governments of nations lose legitimacy with its own people.

This is what’s happening with America. She loves to claim foreign politicians and leaders have lost legitimacy when they fail to bow to her policies and dictates. Now what we see is that it is actually America who has lost legitimacy globally and domestically as a trustworthy honest and sincere nation.

They are now awake. No one wants to trust her for anything anymore, much less for her to be a sincere friend and advisor. Well, this was spoken of happening to her in the last days of her power.

 This nation is as crooked as a snake’s trail. Everything they do is predicated on deception….” Injustice, crooked politics, and the breeding of corruption under crooked politics have been practiced ever since Adam to the    present day rulers. Adam was the first crook.

There has not been justice for the Black man in this race of people, and this is why the race suffers from the effect of chaos today.”–pg.36 & 37(tfoa)

US lying to public on domestic and foreign issues: Analyst

This file photo shows a gathering by jobless Americans demanding employment.

This file photo shows a gathering by jobless Americans demanding employment.

The government of the United States has been lying to public on every domestic and foreign issue, an analyst writes in a column for the Press TV website.   “I cannot think of one thing in the entire areas of foreign and domestic policy that the US government has told the truth about in the 21st century,” Paul Craig Roberts wrote on Sunday.

On foreign policy, he said, the US lied to public about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq in 2003, Iran’s peaceful nuclear program and chemical attacks in Syria.

“The jobs numbers are fraudulent, the unemployment rate is deceptive, the inflation measures are understated, and the GDP growth rate is overstated,” wrote Roberts, adding, “Americans live in a matrix of total lies.”

The analyst said the American public has no option but to “accept the serfdom imposed on them or take to the streets and stay in the streets.”

“In America, nothing is done for the public. But everything is done to the public,” wrote Roberts.

He also said the US is shifting from “a land of opportunity” to “an aristocratic economy in which income and wealth are concentrated at the very top.”

Roberts further envisioned the depreciation of the US dollar due to money supply growth. “When that occurs, the import-dependent American population will suffer a traumatic drop in living standards. The main cost of the bank bailout has yet to hit.”

He said the US “will have a third world work force in 20 years.”

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