The unusual workings of the sun, moon, and the stars and even to outer space itself bares witness to the change of worlds.


The unusual workings of the sun, moon, and the stars and even to outer space itself bares witness to the change of worlds. It is pointing towards something even more significant than climate change or global warming. The heavens above our heads and those objects that reside there are pointing towards much more than global climate change.

They are pointing towards a universal change. The Nations of the Earth expect the coming of a God Who will overcome and destroy all idol gods and set Himself up as the Supreme God over all….” The wicked world of the white race today actually does not want a God of Righteousness to set up a government of justice and righteousness, for they love what they have – wickedness, sport, and play. Therefore, they are sorry and    angry (Rev. 12:12,13).

  The devils see His hand at work and they are so upset that they are even preparing their own destruction while thinking that they are preparing for the destruction of others. The devils have been and still are leading the people away from the true God and His true religion, Islam.”–pg.72(o.s.h.a.)

The devil’s world has been forewarned that…”There is nothing that the white race can think of in this day and    time that is not already known by the God of the Black Nation. Therefore, the showdown will be victorious on the side of the God Who Knows what we think and plan. He has power over us and over the atoms of the atmosphere. The attacker would have no power whatsoever to defend himself in a showdown against such a Wise and Powerful God. The Great Mahdi.

  The Great Mahdi has and exercises power over everything of the creation carries or brings forth power. One would be silly and greatly the loser to attack such a God. But nevertheless the world must see a showdown between the two Gods. His Eyes and Ears are ever Open in both camps…the wicked and the righteous. So these two worlds draw nearer and nearer together for a showdown.

  The American Black Man is to be warned and he is warned of this showdown which is coming between the two worlds. He should fly to God (Allah) of his people Who Has Power to save them.“–pgs.104 & 105(o.s.h.a.)

…..”And there shall be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars, and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. They see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory’  (St. Luke 21:25-27).

  You will bear me witness that we are living in such time as mentioned in the above prophecy — signs in the sun and in the moon. The phenomena going on in the sun and its family of planets testify to the truth that something of the greatest magnitude is about to take place. The final war or battle between God and the devils in the sky.

  Allah (God) who has power over all things, is bringing the powers of the sun, moon and stars into display against His enemies. The fire of the sun to scorch and burn men and the vegetation and dry up the waters. The moon will eclipse her light to bring darkness upon man and upon all living things, to disrupt with her waves all air communications. The magnetic powers of the moon will bring about such tidal waves of seas and oceans as man has never witnessed before: the sea and waves roaring.”–Chp.126(m.t.t.b.m.)

Powerful Solar Flare Causes Radio Blackout

solar flare

(Ian O’Neill)  On Saturday, the sun erupted with an X-class solar flare, blasting Earth with powerful electromagnetic radiation. Although we couldn’t directly feel its effects on the ground, the impact of this event was measured as a dramatic radio blackout for several minutes, highlighting the fact that the sun isn’t quite done with solar maximum yet.

The X1.0 flare erupted at 1:48 p.m. ET on March 29 and an armada of solar telescopes captured the event in all its glory. A solar flare occurs when highly-stressed magnetic field lines are forced together over regions of intense magnetic activity, descriptively known as “active regions.” These regions are often associated with sunspot clusters — this is why astronomers keep count of sunspots in an effort to record solar activity.


Although we are well protected from the worst effects of radiation from solar flares, ionizing X-ray and extreme ultraviolet radiation can have a disruptive impact on unshielded satellite electronics and can even give unprotected astronauts an increased radiation dose. Our atmosphere is a thick shield that protects our biology from the sun’s worst solar flares, but that’s not to say that they can’t impact our lives.

ANALYSIS: Sun Erupts with Huge X-Class Flare, Biggest of 2014

As reported by, the X1 flare, which was triggered above active region (AR) 2017, bathed our upper atmosphere in ultraviolet radiation, causing global ionization. The aptly-named ionosphere is used for communications where radio waves are bounced around the globe. This extensive ionization event caused the propagation of radio waves to wildly fluctuate, eventually blocking them all together. The blast was so powerful that the impulsive electrical currents generated in the ionosphere caused vast waves to ripple through our planet’s magnetic field.

Radio engineer Stan Nelson located in Roswell, New Mexico, was monitoring the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) WWV radio transmission (which transmits time and frequency information worldwide 24/7) during the flare and watched the signal oscillate wildly before being blocked all together.

“The Doppler shift of the WWV signal (the ‘wobble’ just before the blackout) was nearly 12 Hz, the most I have ever seen,” said Nelson.

The flare also generated its own radio signal; as the flare’s shock wave blasted through the sun’s corona (its atmosphere), an intense radio signal was generated and was recorded as powerful shortwave radio static.

The sun is currently experiencing the wane of solar maximum, the peak of its approximate 11-year solar cycle. Solar Cycle 24 has been a “below average” cycle exhibiting lower levels of magnetic activity — but as Saturday’s flare proves, it’s still capable of generating some impressive explosive displays.

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