(Video Incl.)The world is headed for war


The world is shaping up for war. Everywhere we look bares witness to the massive amounts of money being injected into military budgets around the world. The nations are beefing up war materials while the rhetoric for war and growing disagreement continues to grow more intense by the hour!

….”But the white man has gotten into all of the civilized people of the earth and he knows them and they know him.

  This is why now a war between civilizations must take place; because the present ruler (white race) has deceived the whole entire civilized world with their civilization of deceit! The white race was made for the purpose of making mischief. The white race was made for the purpose of deceit. And, now that Almighty God Has Come to Make Manifest that which has been hidden of the truth, this runs the white man from under his deceitful blanket which had the white man covered. “–pg.40(tfoa)

This disagreement and build up for war on top of growing dissatisfaction & economic turmoil is what we call, “The kindling up of hell fire!”….”pg.41(tfoa)

   Ukraine crisis ‘result of US, Israel, NATO, EU interference’

The entire crisis in Ukraine is the “direct result of American, Israeli, NATO and European Union interference,” a political commentator says.

“I would be fearful that out of this whole situation can arise a very tragic war,” Mark Dankof, former US Senate candidate, told Press TV on Monday.

The US is “speaking tongue-and-cheek when it talks about the legitimate aspirations of the people in Ukraine to determine their own fate and to do so free of foreign interference,” he added.

Dankof said the US has broken its historical pledges against the former Soviet Union several times and that is why Russian President Vladimir Putin has “some degree of understandable anxiety” about the situation in Ukraine.

“The United States broke a pledge made with Mikhail Gorbachev in 1989 that the pending demise of the Soviet Union would not result to an American-NATO exploitation of the situation by moving NATO and American forces closer to Soviet borders,” he said.

“What we clearly see in the last quarter of the century is how that pledge has been repeatedly violated as in fact the US and NATO have been recruiting former eastern bloc countries to belong to NATO and for there to be western military.”

“The second thing is that Mr. Kerry is not mentioning” is “the illegitimate NATO bombing in 1999 of Serbia in order to sever Kosovo from Serbia. That has also played a role in what has happened in the Ukraine.”

“And then finally more recent times the illegitimate intervention of NATO in Libya, the American-Saudi-Israeli-Turkish-Gulf cooperation council state intervention in Syria which has resulted in deaths of hundreds of thousands of people is not mentioned by Mr. Kerry.”

Kerry does not want anyone to understand in terms of Ukraine, Dankof concluded, that “the United States and the European Union were directly parties to the overfill of the legitimately-elected president of the Ukraine. That the US and the European Union and with full tacit support of Israel, wanted to overthrow the legitimate Ukrainian government and replace it with a puppet state that would be a subservient to the EU and they would punish Mr. Putin for checking Western and Zionist advances in Syria.”

On Sunday, US Secretary of State John Kerry met with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov over the volatile situation in Ukraine.

Both countries are preparing far different proposals on how to deescalate the crisis.

Source: www.presstv.ir


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