(Video Incl.)The awakened nations of South America are rejecting American power and imperialism


There was a time that America could do as she pleased with nations, especially those who reside in what is considered by her elite as America’s backyard. This is not the case today because she is losing her power and authority that she once exercised without limits on regions.

The nations no longer trust her. They no longer look to her as a leader. They no longer want her presence in their nations or in their regions. She has become an outcast. She is an international pariah.

Prophecy is coming into view. The fruition of which is now taking place. She must and is being exposed as the most vile and hated nation on earth with nations rejecting her presence and friendship.

Messenger Elijah Muhammad warned her of this time in these words which are now coming into being…” I have been writing for many years that America must be punished for her evil done to her Black once-slaves, who are so-called free-slaves now, and who continue to suffer the same, or worse, punishment under the children of the white  slave master, than their white fathers imposed upon our Black fathers under servitude-slavery.

 America has not only lost and is still losing friendship all over Asia and Africa,…but she is now losing friendship right here with her next-door neighbors, Central and South America.”–pg.108(tfoa)

 Argentineans slam US meddling in Venezuela

Argentinean people have staged a protest rally in the capital, Buenos Aires, to condemn the United States’ interference in Venezuela’s domestic affairs.

The demonstrators gathered outside the US Embassy in the Argentinean capital, criticizing Washington for plotting a coup d’état against the Venezuelan government.

The protesters also demanded an end to US meddling in the Latin American country’s internal affairs.

Venezuela has been the scene of violent pro- and anti-government protests since mid-February, which have left at least 34 people dead and hundreds more injured.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro says the recent street clashes have inflicted some ten billion dollars in damage on the economy.

The opposition blames the Maduro administration for rampant crime, soaring inflation and shortage of essential goods.

The president, however, says the opposition seeks to stage a coup in the South American country with the backing of Washington.

The US Embassy in Venezuela announced on Sunday that it is suspending the issuance of new tourist visas due to what it said was a lack of personnel.

This came a month after Caracas ordered the expulsion of three US consular officials, for meeting with student protest leaders “under the guise of offering them visas to destabilize the country.”

In response, Washington also declared three Venezuelan consular officials as personae non gratae and told them to leave the US.

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