This is “Tom” on steroids–Obama vows Western unity ahead of Ukraine crisis summit, while ignoring Africa!

Instead of changing the imperial policies put forth by the white elite, and changing course to truly aid Africa instead of trying to hinder its rise and progress, You have “nigga Jim aka “Tom” going half a world away trying to keep the white world united against a white nation that transgressed against elite white goals.
 It is ludicrous. No, in fact it is ridiculous. This just goes to show just how far this man will go to get a pat on the back or receive an extra biscuit off the anglo-Saxon’s table. In his eyes, nothing matters but preserving white supremacy, especially white American supremacy.
   Why isn’t he putting this same type of effort into giving black America freedom indeed? Why isn’t he investing the treasures of America, treasures I might add that was built by the free labor and lives of black slaves, in trying to put the so-called American negro on a path towards self independence?
  It is because he is no good for black America. He hates black and loves white. His actions and his policies and ,even down to his stated goals for America and others prove it. And because of this, he has been made blind.
   ….”The American so-called Negro has been made out of himself and kind by the white Americans . He must now be reformed. In fact, God has promised him a new body. The Bible and the Holy Qur’an teach us that we will be a new people altogether. He was destroyed and acts ignorant and foolish. He is not aware of his ignorant actions because he has become a part of ignorance.    Now the end of the term which was set for the white man has come. The average so-called Negro, the lost found member of the Black nation does not know that this is the end of the world of the white man (his rule over the Black    nation). He will not listen to one of his own kind who tells or teaches him of the time and doom of the world that we have known (white man’s world).

  They offer high positions and money to the so-called Negro intellectual politicians who will work against the good of the Black American people. They will accept such gratuity, for they have been deprived of love for self and kind. What so they care about the millions who are sprawled in the mud of civilization? They are content as long as they eat the buttered biscuit and the fried chicken (as their slave-fathers did).

  You would not think that they would hire themselves out to be stool pigeons – white man’s bootlickers and Uncle Toms in these modern times of advanced education – but they are doing just that.

  They do not want the praise and exaltation of God and their own Black people. They want it from the slavemasters’ children. The slavemasters’ children will give it to them as long as they reject themselves and kind and worship and exalt the white people.

  The white man is very clever in making a public fool of the Black man. They show the brown, yellow and red man what a good job they have done on the Black man in America and throughout the earth. He is doing what nature bids    him to do.

  I do not blame the white man anymore for making fools of our people. It is the nature of the white man to make a fool of our people, but it is not the nature of our people to allow him to make a fool of us.

   But , you have been given the knowledge of yourself, the nature in which God created you, and you still allow the enemy to make a fool of you, then you do not have the sympathy of God and the righteous, not after knowledge.

  The divine term that was given to the white race to allow them to make a fool of the Black man and rule him with tricks is now up. The devil with his tricks must be removed.

 He was given this chance to deceive you with his tricknology; and therefore, God will not hinder the devil from tricking you if he can. This is written in the Holy Qur’an, chapter 7. But God promised hell-fire to both the devil and his followers whom he can get from the Black Nation.”–pgs.61 & 62(tfoa)

Obama vows Western unity ahead of Ukraine crisis summit (via AFP)

US President Barack Obama on Monday vowed Western unity in punishing Moscow for annexing Crimea, ahead of crisis talks that could see Russia excluded from the G8 club of rich nations. In Ukraine itself, the country’s acting president announced that…

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