Prelude to justify war with Pakistan?–(Video)Retired US Lt. Gen. McInerney Says flight #MH370 Is In Pakistan


 (Hiram’s1555 note:Could this be true? Maybe or maybe it’s to set Pakistan up for an American/NATO war to be waged when blame is placed or if there is a falseflag attack using the plane or a similar one! It could be used to attack Pakistan in a Western effort to denuclearize that muslim nation an permanently occupy it, thus destroying China’s strategic land bridge it is building to bypass the Indian Ocean to get resources and petrol at less time and less of a chance for a energy blockade by America.

If that is the case, then China would be surrounded by US bases and US allies! We know that the FOX News organization is vicious against Islam. This could be used in the way that I described above or it could be used in an effort to bribe Pakistani officials to do American/Western dictates or face pressure of war when a false flag is committed and it’s pinned on you! )

BREAKING: Lt. Gen. McInerney Says #MH370 Is In Pakistan – ‘I Got A Source That Confirmed It Yesterday’ (Video)

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