Fascist Water Wars in America: Detroit Plans Mass Water Shutoffs To 164,938 Residents


Once the symbol of American power and success, it has become a desolate scene similar to that of “mad max”. She was once the gloried city of America. Whenever someone wanted to show American pride or point to success of industry and manufacturing, years ago all one had to do is point to Detroit.

Now she is the picture of neglect and scorn. She is bankrupt. Her coffers have been emptied by the looters who were rich and powerful leaving the average person to fend for self in a sea of pessimism, discord, anger, dejection, despair, and hopelessness.

Her industries have been gutted. Her manufacturing prowess exported. Her businesses close. And her citizens left in poverty & violence. What this shows us is that Detroit is the face of America. She is no longer tender nor delicate. Her deliciousness is no more.

What we see happening there is only the start. It is spreading across the whole nation and will soon worsen to condition levels not seen before in this nation. Here is a hint of the poor getting messed over a little more!

Detroit Plans Mass Water Shutoffs To 164,938 Residents

With more than half of the city’s customers behind on payments, the department is gearing up for an aggressive campaign to shut off service to 1,500-3,000 delinquent accounts weekly, said Darryl Latimer, the department’s deputy director.

Including businesses, schools and commercial buildings, there are 323,900 Detroit water and sewerage accounts; 164,938 were overdue for a total of $175 million as of March 6. Residential accounts total 296,115; 154,229 were delinquent for a total of $91.7 million.

The department halts cutoffs through the winter because of complications associated with freezing temperatures, such as damaged pipes. But this spring, a new contractor has been hired to target those who are more than two months behind or who owe more than $150 — twice the average monthly bill of $75.

The department says it’s now ready to “catch up” with cutoffs halted because of the unusually harsh winter weather. DWSD is looking to show there are consequences associated with not paying water bills, Latimer said. “Not everyone is in the situation where they can’t afford to pay,” he said.

“It’s just that the utility bill is the last bill people choose to pay because there isn’t any threat of being out of service.” – See more here

Source: http://govtslaves.info

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