(Video Incl.)She prides herself in the destruction of nations — (CIA seeks Balkanizing other countries: Tarpley)


Her arrogant hypocritical policies and double standards, and her refusal to do justice and let others be, is why we have such a troubled world. She is known for her policies and her actions. She is known for her imperial mindset and is hated by most.

No, they do not hate you for your so-called freedom. They hate you because of you hypocrisy and arrogance. This is the truth America, yet you blindly believe your own propaganda.

We see former agents of the empire now coming out and exposing your intentions, your actions, your policies, and your true purpose and plans. So it is right to say that….”America wants everyone to help her bemoan all of her set-backs but when she causes others to fall…breaks up the countries of other peoples and destroys their independence and freedom, she laughs and prides herself as doing a great thing. She puts her feet upon their economic neck and destroys their independence as a nation.”–pg.110(tfoa)

This is her purpose and aim. This is the nature of the devil. He wants to divide, conquer, and destroy!

  CIA seeks Balkanizing other countries: Tarpley

Press TV has conducted an interview with Webster Griffin Tarpley, an author and historian from Washington D.C., to further discuss the Venetian independence issue.

Below you are provided with an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV:  Dr. Tarpley, first of all how likely will Venice become an independent state? Given its cultural and financial attachment to Italy and other Italian tourist attractions?

Tarpley: Well, I do not think that it is very likely. We have to remember that the Venetian Republic was an oligarchy and actually a very sinister oligarchy, which existed until the time of Napoleon Bonaparte; it was ended by Napoleon in 1796 and Venice, the Venice region, the Veneto, became part of the Italian kingdom of that time in a referendum in 1866.

What we are dealing with here, I think, is a publicity stunt. It is a group of right wing activists and they have succeeded in building up some interests in the fact that they set up an online poll.

Now, whatever claims they make about the number of votes in the outcome, those are anybody’s guess, they have no legal values and they are also not being guaranteed by any particular institution…

So they are saying that they want to break away from Italy. Now, there is a political party that has been talking about the same demagogy for about 20 years, it is the old Lombard League, which now calls itself Northern League, and the Northern League is somehow behind this, although it is not to be excluded their financiers and bankers have also contributed. So I think that it is a largely discredited initiative.

One of the reasons that the Northern League is interested in breaking away or interested in making noises, let us say, is that the new Italian election law was supposed to have a provision which was specifically designed to save the Northern League, this is the so-called … Lega but the … Lega does not look as it is going to be included in the election law, so I think that the Northern League is attempting to get some attention this way.

Press TV: Right. And of course comparing this independence poll in Venice with what happened in Crimea, I mean do not we see a kind of a double standard or even hypocrisy on the part of the Western World when it comes to dealing with issues like this?

Tarpley: Well, certainly the hypocrisy is that the media, the Italian media have been relatively silent about this. I think that a lot of the international media have been hyping it, I mean just looking at the British press, they are vaccinated by this idea because they think it also goes together with Scotland.

Let me warn everybody that the CIA is promoting the breakup of national states. The policy is mini states, macro states, failed sates, partitioned studies and so forth; and we have seen that in Yugoslavia, Sudan, Iraq, Libya, many other places. The question in Crimea is an authentic, vital necessity for the people of Crimea to get out of the failed state of Ukraine and to join the much more successful nation-state of Russia.

I think that is a perfectly legitimate thing, but what you are dealing with here in the Venice area is fundamentally a bunch of rich people who hate Southern Italy, they hate the Mezzogiorno and they do not want their tax money to be sent to Rome and then down to Naples or Palermo or Reggio Calabria or places like this.

So I think that the political judgment in these cases has to be very different…, I do not think that this will cut the mustard because in this case this is a very sinister initiative, whereas the Crimean one, I think, has an overwhelmingly positive context.

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